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The last poster wins


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Woop winning, not much to say today. Tired and i might get presequal. not sure about that sense its no the same.

Edited by Thor.
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By Popular Demand: Way down over the ocean is where I wanna be, she may be.


I think that is where she made me, not, where she may be. Down under the ocean? I think she was smart enough to get out while the getting was good.


The continent of Atlantis was an island
Which lay before the great flood
In the area we now call the Atlantic Ocean
So great an area of land
That from her western shores
Those beautiful sailors journeyed
To the South and the North Americas with ease
In their ships with painted sails
To the East Africa was a neighbor
Across a short strait of sea miles

The great Egyptian age is
But a remnant of The Atlantian culture
The antediluvian kings colonised the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological dramas
In all legends from all lands were from far Atlantis

Knowing her fate
Atlantis sent out ships to all corners of the Earth
On board were the Twelve:

The poet, the physician, The farmer, the scientist
The magician and the other so-called Gods of our legends

Though Gods they were -
And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind
Let us rejoice

And let us sing
And dance and ring in the new Hail Atlantis!

{Sung Portion - }

Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I wanna see you some day
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
My antediluvian baby
My antediluvian baby, I love you, girl
Girl, I wanna see you some day
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah
I wanna see you some day, oh My antediluvian baby
My antediluvian baby, I wanna see you
My antediluvian baby, gotta tell me where she gone
I wanna see you some day Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
Oh yeah Oh club club, down down, yeah
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

The 1968 unusual international hit (charted in multiple countries) by Donovan. The introductory monolouge was revolutionary, so much that in Donovan’s native UK it reached only no. 23 in the charts, and in the US it was released as a B-side to the anti-war song (“To Susan on the West Coast Waiting” — ‘for Harry in Viet-Nam fighting..’). Atlantis was way more popular than the A-side.


:laugh: I WIN! :sad:

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The Underwater Pyramid of the Bermuda triangle was disclosed not to long ago and proof of such great flood. that's where i am basing my findings on.


My theory,


Something caused the ice to melt, with the poll shift to the left ice started to melt on the North American Continent and caused such devastating flood that turned and burred such structures under miles and miles of water. it was no mistake something happened, but was it intentional??? no maybe not???. With all that ice melting, Witch is now the USA and Canada was in a period of transition. The land was covered in ice before because the tilt of the axis of the earth, things where more suitable for such ice to build up.


Something caused that tilt, what could of it been, was it not from this earth??, asteroid???, or something much, much bigger :confused: Did we have a moon 20000 years ago :confused: it had to be HUUUGE for it to cause such tilt.

I'm a genius in my own mind, but never can i take this to a audience, my ability to connect the dots will forever haunt me. :woot: When i think big, i mean it.

Edited by Thor.
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I'll give you this one. :cool: The Moon used to be a lot closer to the Earth. And it is moving further away a little at a time. Very old paintings of the Moon show it to be much closer.


If you discover what I did from the clues I offer next... Read on and see if you're up to it.


The Earths Axis, North and South have been talked about by ancient philosophers. I found out a very interesting fact of note when studying notes written by a very old philosopher who describes Atlantis. There are footnotes in his original writings and in a collections of written works. I discovered while reading several books written by the ancient philosophers, teachers, and their students that they all wrote to each other, they even hired several delivery persons to take a copy of their identical letters to assure that one copy always made it to the intended, and kept up personal journals which included their letters to each other.


Many of the facts were hard to comprehend until I sorted out several footnotes leading to letters of one way conversing on topics and found in a few the order fit together like a puzzle.


Some say the reason for doubts about certains discoveries involved a fact. The fact was that the letters some philosophers wrote to others could not possibly have been read by them. Some are letters written to a students teacher and patron or matron of that philosophy. The flaws in the letters were that they could not have been read by the intended people they were written to, at the time, for their teachers/philosophers to have postulated on their students theories. The dates on the noted written text to the other philosophers at the time made the letters lose credibility, because the older teachers/philosophers were sometimes dead before the letters were entered as documented proofs.


In one case I saw these flaws and thought them to be a reckless attempt to gain attention at their institute. Eventually I had an experience, in real life, recalling how I had found something I wanted dearly to share with a person/teacher who I found out had passed away. I saw in the letters a growing sense of that loss of their mentors, teachers/philosophers, too.


I read how a group of people declared one collection of various letters, which had been copied to a large set of books, the attackers said the modern companies copied in an attempt to sell their books. It appeared to be a heartless group of people attacking a person, not the company, whose love for their teachers were deep and their writing was part of their way of keeping the lost ones alive in their heart and mind.


Than I realized that the company never charged anything for the collection and all that was in the collection were leads to the real authors books in their entirety. The attackers themselves were the frauds.


The actual scrolls, books, all works of all of the ancient philosophers that are authentic, even Aristotle, Plato, Plutarch, Socrates and all the rest are accessible and have been proven to be authentic. You have to read through them seeking what you've learned here though. I remember after seeing the letters included to the great conversation, while I was filled with doubts, I too begin to see some history about the Moon and Earth's duo axises, and how it was, and is, and will be. The Earth isn't what it used to be and the Moon has pulled away.


The great cataclysm wasn't because of meteor or the Moon shifts.


After seeing how sensible the conversations in letters were, after reading the authentic books, I suspected the fraud was involved to sell a collection of books with a set of encyclopedias too.


But even I could not ignore the descriptive features, which eventually, made connections with yet another ancient Peoples stories. I found a book my Mom told me was valuable, she told me someone told her that all the books were valuable, and a book I read about a Turtle, told by those of the new world who just called themselves, "the people" on the continent of North America were responsible for having it published.


It took me several years to discover a tiny scrap of facts, after removing the impossible until all that was left were the facts, and then I got to put two and two together. You should have seen my Dad's eyes light up when I suggested my supposed idea.


If I tell you what I learned it will probably fail miserably to get my message across. So! Use your investigative skill's and you may than grasp it as you need so it grabs your attention. When you discover what I did it will stun you at first. It will fill in a gap which will bring a large amount of facts together of what you probably already suspect.


Then you than may find what I did. If you find what I did, although small it will fit in several places, and become a gigantic filler for several others piece of your puzzle. Only, if you discover it though. :mellow:

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