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Yeah, they applied for a trademark in Europe already, but a Capcom rep said it "isn't confirmed for release outside Japan." I would agree on the free to play bit, but since it's co-op anyway I don't think it will matter. You can even play alone with AI. I'd prefer a real sequel with co-op but free isn't bad. :tongue:


That voting situation sucks.

And so does your computer not being there yet.



Oh, it isn't even a sequel? I thought it was an entirely new game. Hmmm... well, I may still get it, because free is good but yeah.



Dad reckons I should just chuck it all in the bin, but in the end, it's not his money on the line so I'm not so sure. :tongue:


My computer was supposed to arrive 2 days ago. It's especially annoying because of the postage fee, and they're not even punctual about it.

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Well, I win.




And here's what irks me. Today I went through the Yngol Barrow in Skyrim for 1,481,644th time and I still don't know what those blue chirping bouncy balls are. Can't kill them, I tried to set them on fire and it didn't work. Tried to shout them into submission, didn't work either. Tried unrelenting force and they just went flying all over the room. Even dissected Yngol Barrow in CK, found that they are called FXFollowMotes but that's all.


Since I have no information, I'll just classify them as faulty tennis balls with a Dragonborn fetish.

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Well it is a sequel, but from what I understand it has very little, if any, connection to the first game. I know the article I read said the players are Arisen so it's got that, but it isn't even in Gransys. Dragon's Dogma is still Dragon's Dogma though and it's definitely one of my favorite games ever.





I feel like despite having played Skyrim for hundreds of hours I missed a lot of things. I don't remember blue bouncing balls and now I must go investigate.



Edit because the quotes flipped out and enlarged and deleted the poster/date.

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Well it is a sequel, but from what I understand it has very little, if any, connection to the first game. I know the article I read said the players are Arisen so it's got that, but it isn't even in Gransys. Dragon's Dogma is still Dragon's Dogma though and it's definitely one of my favorite games ever.


Ah ok, that's not so bad then. Gransys wasn't that interesting, anyway. I hope the new place has more uniqueness about it.




And here's what irks me. Today I went through the Yngol Barrow in Skyrim for 1,481,644th time and I still don't know what those blue chirping bouncy balls are. Can't kill them, I tried to set them on fire and it didn't work. Tried to shout them into submission, didn't work either. Tried unrelenting force and they just went flying all over the room. Even dissected Yngol Barrow in CK, found that they are called FXFollowMotes but that's all.


Since I have no information, I'll just classify them as faulty tennis balls with a Dragonborn fetish.


Hi Werne. I always forget to visit Yngol Barrow, even though that unique helmet is there. I choose to believe the magic balls are errant kamehamehas. :P

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Ah ok, that's not so bad then. Gransys wasn't that interesting, anyway. I hope the new place has more uniqueness about it.

Yeah I agree. I love the game but definitely don't have any favorite places or cool areas that I can recall.



errant kamehamehas. :tongue:

I may be in a giggly mood after what I just went through but that actually made me laugh out loud.

(I was playing a game online and some girl (or supposedly a girl) flipped out and first complained that I had no skill then that I was cheating and then just started insulting everyone. There were way too many "your mom" comebacks and lot's of racist and homophobic slurs. Also the switching my username to an insult always involved switching Dino (ChompyDino) to a variety of words for the male genitalia. I would assume it was actually a young teenage male, but it seemed to insist it was female. (and that we would s*** if we saw her) I probably should have reported them, but I was too busy giggling for some reason. I think it was that someone was sarcastically giving letter grades to the insults directed at my username. Probably no one cares (nor will they find it even remotely amusing), but it made me giggle so much (oh god I'm a twenty year old male and I giggle) I had to share it.)

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Snow balls sailing from a snowy woman with two lovely white sisters. I dreamily follow the snow blue ice backward to where they originated. There appears the shapely sexy looking ghostly form. And suddenly there are 3 of her. All throwing snowballs that have a blue hue and the pretty blue balls, FREEZE ME, taking valuable life force as I whack at them with my long fire hot spear.


Such lovely cold women! I only wish one of them would find love in her heart and not freeze me to death. F me to death, Yeah! But no more BLUE BALLS PLEEEEZZZE!




Warm me up! Numb n, n, n, n, Ice Girls, "Purty please with whip cream on top?"


I Win! YAY!


Happy Winning! ;- p

ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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... You know, I have a slight suspicion that you'd be fun to be around when you're drunk, Pagafyr. :tongue:


Ah ok, that's not so bad then. Gransys wasn't that interesting, anyway. I hope the new place has more uniqueness about it.

Yeah I agree. I love the game but definitely don't have any favorite places or cool areas that I can recall.


The part after you defeat the dragon who ate your heart, when it's all dark and evil and stuff, that's pretty cool. It's too bad that you couldn't have multiple profiles on that game though - I didn't want to delete my character to start a new one, and New Game + eventually made the game too easy. But that evil part of the game was really cool.


errant kamehamehas. :tongue:

I may be in a giggly mood after what I just went through but that actually made me laugh out loud.
(I was playing a game online and some girl (or supposedly a girl) flipped out and first complained that I had no skill then that I was cheating and then just started insulting everyone. There were way too many "your mom" comebacks and lot's of racist and homophobic slurs. Also the switching my username to an insult always involved switching Dino (ChompyDino) to a variety of words for the male genitalia. I would assume it was actually a young teenage male, but it seemed to insist it was female. (and that we would s*** if we saw her) I probably should have reported them, but I was too busy giggling for some reason. I think it was that someone was sarcastically giving letter grades to the insults directed at my username. Probably no one cares (nor will they find it even remotely amusing), but it made me giggle so much (oh god I'm a twenty year old male and I giggle) I had to share it.)




I know that feel - when someone is raging on a game and you just sit back and giggle at it. It mostly happened when playing CoD on the Xbox 360 all those years ago, but it was always pretty funny. When it was directed at me, it wasn't as entertaining (I don't partake in verbal exchanges - physical is fine) but yeah, when they go ape towards someone else, it's great.


Me and my brother were once playing the Infected mode on MW3, and there was this one dickhead who was being unsportsmanlike. So, I said to Sam, "let's trap him in the corner," so we did, and that guy got so pissed off at us and starting spewing profanity and insults at us. In respone, we starting doing 360s on the spot and jumping up and down without moving to attract attention without letting him escape. Eventually we were all killed and became infected, and the guy roared his displeasure at everyone before rage-quitting. T'was funny. :D


Also, this one wasn't in Call of Duty, but it was a Rugby League game that my brother really liked. Anyway, he was playing one-player online and my uncle and I were watching him, and he was matched against this other guy who didn't particularly like losing. Sam's defence was too good and the guy couldn't break through it, and then at the turnover, Sam kicked a field goal (worth 1 point) and the guy yelled out, "F***!" All of us just looked at each other and then started laughing. Anyway, Sam let the guy kick off (which means Sam gets the ball back), and after a brief little run, dodging the other guy's players, Sam got into position to kick another field goal. He did, and the guy went berserk again. The third time, Sam broke through the guy's defence and could have scored a try (worth 4 points instead of 1 - possibly even 6 points if you convert it), but my uncle was like, "Sam, kick another field goal." So he did, and we could hear something smash in the background of the guy's microphone and then it was disconnected.


Good times. :P

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