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The last poster wins


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Oh I forgot all about that for some reason. That was pretty cool.


I've definitely done things like that just to aggravate someone who was being rude before. That rugby one though... Lol


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Snow balls sailing from a snowy woman with two lovely white sisters. I dreamily follow the snow blue ice backward to where they originated. There appears the shapely sexy looking ghostly form. And suddenly there are 3 of her. All throwing snowballs that have a blue hue and the pretty blue balls, FREEZE ME, taking valuable life force as I whack at them with my long fire hot spear.


Such lovely cold women! I only wish one of them would find love in her heart and not freeze me to death. F me to death, Yeah! But no more BLUE BALLS PLEEEEZZZE!




Warm me up! Numb n, n, n, n, Ice Girls, "Purty please with whip cream on top?"


I Win! YAY!


Happy Winning! ;- p

ROARING Applause!


Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:




... You know, I have a slight suspicion that you'd be fun to be around when you're drunk, Pagafyr. :tongue:



Ah! I've never been sober. :mellow: What's it like?

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Sobriety must be a state of mind of someone whose body no longer produces the equivalent of one shot of alcohol every day. I think I heard this from a guy I knew who was a diabetic. I'm still trying to figure out my memories on this and am going to try to discover what sense I can of the memories using Google to see if there's any truth to what I was told.


I definitely remember a gal, I knew, who kept telling me I am drunk when I am sober. So drinking makes me seem normal to everyone.




I Win! YAY!


Happy Winning! ;- p

ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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:geek: Lucky Me! I have had a large amount of Antibiotics and even some immuno-suppressive effects and become inebriated. I can just eat stuff, start feeling drunk, and say, "I haven't touched a drop" and I am being truthful.


It's immuno-suppressive effects that is/was causing me to produce enough alcohol internally that made me seem a bit off. Now that I have found out I was, I realize that, a day or so ago, my focus began changing during my medical cleanse. The mental clarity is, I guess, called sobriety.


I've recently stopped eating all foods that can aggravate my physical condition, because I have to keep from aggravating my body after a minor surgery.


The information on the Internet says we all might have, (and I had a buzz from it until half way through my medical cleanse), got some internal stuff that reacts to the food and makes enough alcohol to make us feel like we drank two beers, a glass of wine, or a shot of 20 proof liquor. Here's the link if you want to read about it. < http://www.answers.com/Q/Does_the_human_body_make_alcohol >



I Win! YAY!


Happy Winning! ;- p

ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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Tamriel Reloaded HD is just... amazing. I mean, it is really excellent. Completely changes the feel of the game for the better, I reckon.


This screenshot is using the new textures (but at half resolution - using Ordenador - because my laptop would melt) as well as what I think will be my final version of my ENB. I turned every single effect on to take this screenshot (it was running at about 10 frames per second, whereas normally it would be about 30) and I seriously can't wait for my new computer to arrive so I can play the game like this, plus high quality shadows and maybe double the amount of grass.






Seriously, if you have Skyrim and feel like revitalising the world, get Tamriel Reloaded HD. It's great.

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According to an email from Australia Post, my computer should arrive today. I'm already copying everything onto an external hard drive! :tongue:



EDIT: MUAHAHAHA!!! It is finally here! YES! :D :D :D

Edited by billyro
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