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But but but... You can't play Skyrim without Unique Uniques. It's like one of 140 (I exaggerated a bit) mods that I HAVE to have.



I already have it, but it's an outdated version. I was trying to download the newest one, but the internet doesn't particularly feel like letting me. :sad:

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My brother sent this to me last night and I couldn't stop laughing.


Edit: what the hell that's the wrong one... Fixed. If the link doesn't work push back and it should correct itself.

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My ears! That was so loud! :pinch: :tongue:



Also, I distinctly remember editing my above post and posting an image of a new sword I was making, but it's not there. Strange.




EDIT: So, I took my new monitor back to the shop and they swapped it for another one, so now it actually works. However, I cannot download the driver for this monitor because the internet is abhorrently slow. Everything is miffing!


EDIT 2: The driver finally downloaded and it's installed. I also did some colour calibration and now the monitor is looking pretty nice. I still think I need to edit some stuff, though.


EDIT 3: Ohhhhhh yeah, this monitor is so much better than my old one. Glad I made the switch! :D

Edited by billyro
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It's Snowing outside!

Water! Water!

Now it's white,

when it melts,

I will have fresh water,

to drink tonight.

Unless it is RadioActive fallout from Japans atomic powered electrical plants crackup or someone else playing with atomic power and having a goof up, that is.


ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

Ooo! I hope the snow fall is mainly in the plains near water reservoirs so the farmers have enough water to raise crops this year.

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If it is Fallout 4... ohhhh yeah. Another game to obsessively mod! Just what I needed! :laugh:


I wonder how nice the vanilla game will look. Hopefully we won't have to mod it as much as Skyrim to make it look nice...


Speaking of Skyrim, this is what the game looks like on my new computer...







The screenshot didn't capture most of the anti-aliasing for some reason, but you get the picture. Also, that sword is the one I was going to post the other day but for some reason it didn't.


I'm considering halving the landscape/architectural textures to get a smooth 60 frames (and reduce loading times) since I barely even stop to look at them anyway. Hmmm, decisions decisions...



Also, yesterday when I said the internet was so slow... yeah, it turns out that we surpassed our 200GB data limit. :tongue: I think the main reason is because I downloaded AC Unity (50GB) one day, and then the day after, my brother downloaded NBA 2K15 (40GB). So yeah, we probably did that!




EDIT: Do you know what I just realised looking at the first screenshot? My guy's hands are massive! What da...

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