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Anyway, I think I'm finished making Wraith.






I put more effort into the scabbard this time and I think it's decent enough. I rushed its texture though (too hard to make proper shadows when the straps are separate elements) but I know a way I can make it look better, and with relative ease.


Current texture for the actual sword is pretty big, though (8192x2048) and the total combined texture filesize (diffuse, normal, environment) for both sword and scabbard is a whopping 39MB! Luckily, most of that can be negated by halving the sword texture, which is what I'll probably do.

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Heh, true that. I didn't even attempt to run it in-game. :P


I've halved the textures now (4096x1024) so they've still got lots of detail and the filesize is low. :D Anyway, with that done, I could finally test it:


(Spoiler contains 5 small screenshots)



This is from the inventory.












Bright weather and scabbard. (My ENB is overly bright, I know - still tweaking it.)







I have to edit the collision boxes since this sword is shorter than other two-handed swords, and also make a one-handed variant and it should be good to go!

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Once I get stuck into a sword, I go and go until it's done. :thumbsup: Would have finished it a bit earlier if I didn't have to go into work today (a workmate had a fit so I had to go in and take his place) but ah well.


I'll probably need someone to draw me a junk sword because I'm not really good at those scrapped-together-type weapons, but yeah I'll definitely be modding Fallout 4 (mostly melee weapons... I like melee). I'll most likely port my Crecy mod over first since it's my favourite sword I've made so far. :smile:



Also, fixed the collision boxes, made a one-handed variant and remade the scabbard shadows (thought of a sneaky little trick to get it perfect) so it's all good now! I'll probably upload it tomorrow or something, after I can take some more screenshots of it.




EDIT: Completely revamped the scabbard.






Might need to reduce the opacity of the leather areas in the normal maps...

Edited by billyro
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What the name for numerical dyslexia? Someone here has it...


I think the word you're looking for is hyperlexia.


Yeah I do. And nope, it's dyscalculia (which includes problems with understanding numbers, manipulating numbers and math), at least I think that's what you're talking about.


But dyscalculia, dysgraphia etc should all fall under the dyslexia spectrum.



edit: I just realized you were replying to the dude above your post who I didn't notice at all for some reason, so nevermind, I thought you were genuinely asking a question :tongue: I guess I ignore people who aren't regulars in this thread.

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