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I got my new monitor today. I was wondering why it looked worse than my old one, but then I realised it wasn't using HDMI. Fixed that, calibrated the colours and now it's precious. Only thing, though, is now that the colours are vivid and nice... Skyrim is going to need a lot of tweaking! :tongue:



Also, looooooook!



There's so much cool stuff in it!


(Read this after watching the video)


Animations look vastly better, weapons look like they have more weight, power armour with jet-packs, vertibirds that you can travel around in, deathclaws coming out of manholes, arenas, teddy-bear ammunition, burrowing radscorpions... oh man, this is going to be awesome.



I just wish the video was higher quality...



But anyway, I can't wait for more. :D



EDIT: The release date is the 10th of November.

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I was watching the livestream and I was just so amazed at every scene they showed. Todd was great at presenting it all as well. The game will be awesome, no doubt here.


I'm just kinda worried about the voiced protagonist and how that will impact mods. I'm also not used to the idea of a voiced protagonist in Fallout, it's weird to think about.


Also worried whether my laptop will be able to play it fine, it plays Skyrim very well and considering this is the same engine but updated I hope it will be somewhat the same.


Also very disappointed that the Fallout Shelter game is iOS only. No idea what they were thinking with that.

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I didn't see the livestream, bummer. So there is a voiced protagonist now? Yeah, I don't like that one bit. Less opportunity for roleplay and modding will be sorely affected by it. Oh well...


EDIT: Bethesda uploaded it to Youtube so you can watch it on there, now. I do like the look of the game and the customisation and stuff looks amazing. Plus, I really like the character interactions from the trailer (only saw dog though) but it's a step in the right direction. Also, I can already tell that I'll be spending a lot of time choosing pieces for my weapons and power armour.


I'm still not sure about the voiced protagonist, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Who knows, maybe it'll be awesome.



EDIT 2: Brodual sums up everything Fallout 4 pretty well in this quick video.


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I'm simply gobsmacked! Had Ono idea so much variety was coming with the new game, I literally will become a hermit once I get this :P


As for the IOS vault I couldn't care less, its just a little unnecessary addon really which doesn't have to be played.


Hey while im here im soon to be releasing a mod which adds new unique gear to the game based on cut content from FO3 and it needs a good name, the gear is hidden across the game and all DLCs as well as schematics for new craftables, new enemies and events for some gear and stuff like that. I need a cool name for it but im too dumb to think of something clever and exciting, any thoughts?

Edited by Ironman5000
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Hey while im here im soon to be releasing a mod which adds new unique gear to the game based on cut content from FO3 and it needs a good name, the gear is hidden across the game and all DLCs as well as schematics for new craftables, new enemies and events for some gear and stuff like that. I need a cool name for it but im too dumb to think of something clever and exciting, any thoughts?


Capital Wasteloot? I dunno. :P

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Capital Wasteloot? I dunno. :tongue:

Lol don't tempt to name it something daft :tongue:



Aw, but it would have been funny. :P


Let me think... what about Accoutrements and Weaponry of D.C.? I seriously don't know...

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Thank you God of my families genealogical makeup hierarchy, thank you Father of the same and Thank you Mother of the same. Thank all, of you, for making it possible for me to meet all these wonderful people. Whom I probably will never meet in the flesh. (Takes bow)


Now go out there in your video game world, you wonderful people, and, "Knock em Dead!"

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