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The last poster wins


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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Takes a bow.

Really! Someone who isn't playing The Last Poser Wins is watching over the thread? I'm truly sorry to read that you've had a falling out Ironman5000.



I could not have WINNed without all your help and advice.


I played several hands of Solitaire and did not win once!


Some advice about winning. If I may.


It is all about what stories we've played in game as a character. That we keep in touch with our childlike self, read stories that inspire us to better our skills, engage our imagination to create, and stories that entertain us. Or scare the ever loving spirit out of us! BOO!

Halloween is getting nearer. The door between the two worlds is going to... Wait, wait, wait... There could be more than one. Let me think!


FRINGE the television series had one, that makes two??? Wait, wait! Then Stargate had several. Oh My God! Hundreds of Millions of family members are going to be at their family grave sites visiting with their deceased parents and family members all over the world.


MOVIES and YOUTUBEs will be filled with scary stuff and loving family get togethers because it is a tradition and so The BOOK of LIFE movie says.


So! Um... Revising. Looking in the family closet to see what my family does...um...on...as it, Halloween, gets nearer. Whoah! They all left the house and went to the Vault 112.


The doors between our real life and the door of the spirit realm is HUGE!




And don't for get to, "Pay the Ghost"!

Or Freddie might get you!

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Well, I'm home now. The funding fell through I guess so no getting a job out in California for me.

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Doodmang, stop that. I just posted in that other thread about you, go look....bwahahaha




PS: I seen to have the Win. woot!

What?! Where?! Who?! When?!




(I need to quit drinking...while posting)



Get an IV Blood Alcohol Server bag so you can get a direct drip to your right or left Vampire tooth. You can hangg it on a stand and just take leettle sips without lifting another can of beer. A USB cooler for cans can be easily adapted to keep the 32 oz bag cold. Then you can keep both hands free to hold your victim as you drain them, or maybe... um...


Type on your teeny phone while you're online chatting about your last meal under the full moon with the wolves singging; your favorite hits; this Halloween.



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The hell... Something gets broken and I get questioned/blamed? First off, I'm not the one who breaks things in fits of rage, and second, I was in freakin' California for a week! It would be pretty amazing for me to punch/throw a controller at a TV from 1,400 miles away.

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The hell... Something gets broken and I get questioned/blamed? First off, I'm not the one who breaks things in fits of rage, and second, I was in freakin' California for a week! It would be pretty amazing for me to punch/throw a controller at a TV from 1,400 miles away.


It was telekinesis! You threw a fit in your mind and it happened 1400 miles away! :tongue: (smirk) :laugh:



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