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About that machete you were planning for Fallout 4. What the status on that?


I'm imagining what would happen if a piece of cake with ice cream on top were downloaded across the Internet wired connections people have at their homes.


The wire is only carrying 9 Ohms both ways.


A good connection has to be just under 3 miles of ISP phone line wire from the core to our modems connection.


Who knows how many hops it would travel from the sending server, through many servers, if it is far away. Say it might hop through several of your ISP companies repeaters, and be interrupted by radio frequencies near the same number on the frequency waves.


Ham Radio Operations near your place could cause excessive electrical Ohms increasing the heat on your ISP connection if the cables protective coating is thinned down by birds claws, where they've perched, many times, all year round.


Say your ISP connection started at a Jersey restaurant down the block from your apartment on the tenth floor, went out from the Restaurant and hopped from another of your ISP repeaters at South Jersey, then it might hop from North Jersey to West Jersey to get back to you in the market and restaurant area across the street from your place near the restaurant.


Nah! Might as well forget it. It would be soup by the time it arrived. :- (



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Did anyone notice how the frequency of weirdly posed teddy bears has gone up in FO4? There were some in FO3/NV but never this many or this obvious, now they're practically everywhere.

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I tried to pick many of them up and use them for ammo. Imo the problem is that the game doesn't want us to have as many of them for ammo, that is, as much ammo as we can get for all our other weapons. They're giving me the snubbed feeling.


Good thing my favorite stuffed animal was not a Teddy Bear when I was growing up. That guy had been out of office for many years before I was even born.


As my little sister used to say, "Soooo!" She's gone off, left the gaming state we were all in, and is living near the silver mines 1000 miles south of our parents old home.


Oh well, I'll just collect more Rail Road Spikes go hunt Mirelurks and make Mirelurk's pose in some of the neatest ways.


Being able to shoot the spikes faster would make it even better, cause then I could get them into poses, like they were dancing to the music of "Staying Alive, hunh hunh hunh huh staying aliiiiiiii VAH."

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