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I noted in a few posts, I read, that people were seeing distorted facial and lip sync while playing Mass Effect: Andromeda. I started my game with the difficulty set to Insanity.

Battles occur with the enemy outnumbering my three characters two to one. I didn't notice any facial or lip sync delay.


I started a new game in the casual mode to find out what would happened when I finished a task, because while I was busy in a battle I was distracted and I didn't see the message clearly about what the task completion gave me.


I couldn't find any changes to the game suggesting what fancy device the Science Team was working on to defend them from the Kett. I could not figure it out either, because the information describing the parts, for the assembly of some device, made no sense.


While playing with the difficulty setting in the casual mode I noted the lip sync was awful. The facial expressions were badly uncoordinated. Even the flow of space travel images were chunky with rows of line breaking the smooth display.


I switched back to my games 1st set up, with difficulty set to Insanity, and everything, including the fractured images of flying through the stars in outer space were gone. Everything was so realistic I literally was enchanted by the sense I was seeing someone was talking to me. I think the big screen helps too. It makes their heads look like a normal sized one.


I think this would be a great game using VR. I might even pretend to die when my character gets killed. That would be bit too dramatic, but with VR it would be like playing outdoors with other people, children and adult.


Bang! You're DEAD! :mad:


Ooo! :huh: Oh! :ohmy: You Got me! :teehee:



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With that computer rig you have you prefer to play on a console?


All the game mod tweaks you mention??? Are you playing Skyrim on that console?


I've got a console, but I bought it because it had all the Halo games installed; including the latest.

I bought a PS4 because it came with the only character I deem as a realistic possible Super-Hero, Batman

I bought Fallout 4 for PS4 and it just seemed drab after awhile.


Be it ever so humble there is no place like a PC when I'm feeling crafty.




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I am writing the following because people with no brains used to steal my medication just so they could get what they called, getting some Kicks.


Virgins may not have any contraband to suggest they are older then they look, to suggest they are well educated, or that they understand the serious side effects of inhaling cheap tobacco smoke.


If you want to try tobacco you are stupid to begin with; then smoking any tobacco product won't do you any good. In fact, like many other OTC products it will only assure you will become numb for a moment while all your neural activity in your brain shouts, STUPID STUPID STUPID, until you get some air. Inhaling tobacco smoke for the first time will cause your body to shudder and you will cough so hard you could have a heart attack from the stress, and any phlegm in your lungs may blast out.


If you have any serious lung disease or poor small sized lungs you will likely pass out from inhaling any kind of smoke including tobacco smoke.


If you did not receive an education in school or at home about the reason more people do not smoke then I know of a barn, way out in the middle of no where, where you can hide your embarrassment behind it while you get over the coughing fit you will experience the first time you inhale which could actually leave you laid out on the ground for awhile. ANY WHO REFUSES TO SMOKE, INHALE, OR OTHER WISE IS SMARTER ALREADY.


If you don't inhale. You do not qualify as a smoker, all you qualify for is a "pusher".


If in this 21st Century, with all the knowledge there is about smoking you still experienced humor from that posted picture; you really need a vacation. Really Need a Vacation!


Don't inhale and If you don't light it up the first time, congratulations on being smarter, at the moment, or smart for knowing better than that dunk and doughboy who did not know about the real reasons some people smoke tobacco.


One reason tobacco smoking caught on is, "It was for people with bronchial asthma". It only took one puff to help open their lungs passageways. But that medical recommendation was dropped when the leader of the Lung Disease Foundation scientist discovered Eucalyptus fumes do a much better job to help people with mild asthma and did no damage.


If you have got to be like my older brother, who had no lung problem who took a hit off my inhaler, just for Kicks, be aware, I warned you.


He took a hit off my uncles cigar. My uncle got him, made him inhale, and his has never touched a cigar, cigarette, or any pipe type tobacco since.


I only wish I could have convinced him to stop drinking the sewage water that was being filter through an alcohol making machine too.




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