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It's getting warmer here. The meadow grass is already a foot tall. The cats people deserted when they moved are making shelters in it and staking a claim. It's kind of neat how they crawl into it and let the dead blade bow over and cover their lair. The hop plants the old Chinese gandy dancer's families planted makes added cover when it climbs the blades of meadow grass and bends over the tall meadow grass blades where the hop plants vines crisscross.


The cat that moved in last year appeared to have good shelter from the weather and a safe spot from other predators.


I just can't bring myself to chop all that green stuff down. There are red worms and night crawlers in the soil I can dig up for fishing. Crickets, barn flies, horse flies, and other kinds of life that make the soil rich and good for growing fresh food in are continually composting the green plants and using them to make shelters too.


My tiny lot is a host to a billion or more creatures and is a metropolis of Terra Forming all Spring and Summer. Send a combination of the creatures peopling the soil and land to Mars and give them a few years and they might actually terra form Mars for us.



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And so... now



I just visited a post where I asked if anyone at another forum website knew if there would be a patch for a game I mentioned. The only response I got, so far, had no help and was as stupid as any response I have ever gotten.


Whoever that John Wayne impersonator is over at that other forum site he definitely did not understand the question was for someone with knowledge about the patch I am seeking. The question is clearly a Anyone got any leads?


I wrote to be careful about the patch I found that was loaded with a browser hijack, posting the name so anyone would know it was that one and avoid that patch tricked out scam item. I pointed no heat spell at any of the companies members or the company. But the ding-a-ling spoke clearly about all of the responsibility of the company and their sales representation.


It was like he suspected another deeper meaning was hidden :laugh: in the search for anyone knowing anything about where there is a patch for the game. I made the question clearly stated for someone, preferably someone able to figure out the question and answer the question. :geek:


That guy and even the other members, and the owners of that forum should stop by here and get some pointers about how real sensible :wallbash: people usually are :ohdear: when just asking for some sensible response o_O .


Just joking around.


Sincerely there is a good bunch of rational people who are great, no, excellent at helping out at Forums nexusmods com. And they can be reasonable when their own knowledge is limited, by not responding at all at times. Which is what that guy should have done, not responded at all.

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And they can be reasonable when their own knowledge is limited, by not responding at all at times.


Very, very true. I wish more people would understand that.

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