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The last poster wins


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Well, let us think about it. Hm?


With the Earth's rotation slipping into a north to south pole swap, the climate showing us more changes due to some unauthorised A-bomb tests, the government sprinkling the sky with liquid oxygen ice crystals to cause clouds to form, that will cause rain and snow too.


All in hope to stop the dry desert affect in the crop belt along the highline between US and Canada. They've been spraying the air with the famous stuff that make clouds swell up and rain, all around the Missouri River in the USA.


Elon Musk finished his second Star Ship. Readies it to be put in orbit around the Earth and later give people rides around the Moon and then onward to Mars.


With all that excitement going on people like us will likely live longer. Because of all the fun rides at the amusement parks, and caffeine dreams stimulating the masses, we could make it to 666,000, maybe even 1,000,666 before the majority of us The Last Poster Wins game players succumb to one of life's little hazards.


Who knows? Maybe the author of the game has had some children and they will carry on, looking in and posting in his name while walking around at the Moon's colony mall. That is; if they discover the Moon's core is actually the remains of an old civilization which traveled through space. If the Moon is like some say it's a mobile space home that used to harbor a bunch of people traveling in search of a new planet to start fresh.


Some of the people wrote blogs on websites about a strange fact that the Moon vibrated for 20+ minutes after some test the astronauts did gave it a hard knock. That made it seem to be strangely kind of hollow!


Darth Vadar are you out there?! Ooo WEEE ooo! Only the ancient dead of the planet Earth know for sure!

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That was quick! Quick like a fox. And you, Snowfox35, fairing with good health?


I am recovering from the Flu. Nicely now.


I am like a warm bit of charcoal waiting in the hearth til morning to start anew the fire, under a blanket cuddled comfy in a quilt of soft ashes holding my heat for the moment for the tinder wood to be piled on and give it a bit of a flare.


Of course; I would rather have warm water bed! :wink:



easy as pizza (pie)

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