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Until the hyperdrive is fixed we're stuck on this planet. I hope the Mothership got our S.O.S. before the radio was broken during the crash landing?


Hm? There's a leak in the hull. Is that Oxygen? Gas masks! Quick! Oh nooo! The helmets are broke... gasp, gasp.


zzzzits spsss zzap. zzap Mothership Zeta calling. Anyone there?

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That was a close one.


Good work restoring the ships life support.


Looks like the bombs went off while we were approaching for the ceremonies. The padawans gone to check the temples shielding devices protecting the Earth. Scanning for life outside the ship.


Bleep bleep bleep. Looks like the Ambassadors ship went down too. I'll grab the power pods.


Scan complete. Padawan at Jedi temple reports the shields are still working.


Ambassador's Odmoda's calling. The humans have discovered the force. What's left of them. They've rouse up again their President. Shield the Temple and regroup for further orders.


Pack it up People!

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