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The last poster wins


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I've watched a movie. I am Legend. I picked it out of a collection at random without looking at the stores pile for $3.95. It's another survivalist story. I think I am going to switch to another game for awhile. Fallout 3 seems to be giving me a focus on similar stories. And it was made in 2008 too. Same year I stopped working on the FO3 mod I made.




Then I responded to an eletter. Overshot my plan to get some sleep after the movie. Here it's 2:35 AM. Oh, well. I must be half asleep.


Sleep well. Live well. And prosper.

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  On 11/24/2019 at 11:28 PM, TheReverendTholomewPlague said:

Don't let this man ^ distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Threw humans? Do you mean, threw them out of hell? One of the two places? Some people think the one is a Hot place and other people dread even more the place where Hades lives which is ice Cold in its furthest depths. Announcers? Do you mean like News announcers or Sports announcers?


The place I practiced announcing didn't have a table, it was a booth with microphone and a chair with a bunch of switches and cassette tape players for our sponsors advertisements and two record players for the music.


From what movies and television have been saying and showing; it looks to me like all the humans left Earth a million years ago to get out of the middle of the fight between the young and clean angels fighting the dirty and old veteran angels who almost wiped the humans, humankind anyway, off the Earth a couple of times before anyone realized they were causing all the wars when they started fighting each other.


Wingless and strong they throw a ball around and see who can get it across the red zone at either end of the field. Or do you prefer Hockey this time of year?


Humankind? Any of those who are still here are probably in the seating at the stadium or watching it on television from a place where they can keep pouring cold fluid in their pie hole and eating a variety of salty products to make them thirst for more.


Which side are you cheering for these days?


The ones wearing their T-shirts or the side where they all took their T-shirts off?


OH! I almost forgot. Again...



easy as pizza (pie)

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Speaking of throwing balls around stadiums ... That was a close one in the Saints dome yesterday. Which came down to who could kick it better. At first I had to laugh and pointy finger make fun , when Slye wasn't so sly.

But after Lutz showed him what a field goal is suppose to look like ... I then did feel sorry for him , and hoped he wouldn't let it beat himself up to much. Like the Ray Finkle story.


Anyways ... Saints for the Win !!!

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