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The last poster wins


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It's only just that I say.


I win! For it is true is that I said I loved everyone to a gal, and she said, You better narrow it down a little.


I said, Wrong answer!


I am the Oxen in the Chinese Calendar, that even as a child knew, I was going to walk to where others ran and I was going to do what they do without the rush which they were in while they did. I recall an old story.


A young man and an old man sitting on a hill. The old man lived up there in his little house on top the hill. The young man climbed up the hill and was so excited about the upcoming holiday. He jabbed an elbow into the old man ribs and winked. I am going to run down the hill and go kiss a girl.


The old man smiled. With a gleam in his eye, he said, "I'm going to walk down there and kiss them all!"


Happy Holidays.

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A young man and an old man sitting on a hill. The old man lived up there in his little house on top the hill. The young man climbed up the hill and was so excited about the upcoming holiday. He jabbed an elbow into the old man ribs and winked. I am going to run down the hill and go kiss a girl.


The old man smiled. With a gleam in his eye, he said, "I'm going to walk down there and kiss them all!"


Happy Holidays.


It works better when the story is about an old and young bull watching cows in the meadow.

And they weren't going to kiss the cows.


With humans , it brings up to many questions like ... what kind of sewerage system does the old man have up there on the hill in his house. And did the plumber know that pay day was on friday ? Or was it a paid upon completion job , held up by when and if the city would ever get to hooking up their end after the holiday paid leave ?

Then another puzzeling question ... why was the young man up there ? Possibly to empty the porta potty put there while construction was in progress. Or just to sell the old man a new sports package on his cable TV ?


Ya See !?! we could write a whole novel on the prior conversation and how it came about before they got to thinking about kissing girls ...

Which could be a whole new thread topic I suppose ?

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Everyone, every member of the village is in every story told. Even ones who have gone far, on an adventure, so bold to go where no person has gone before, and we can only wish they could be home to be told how much they are appreciated with a hug we can only share in our thoughts.


There's is always a time for each one to rise to be seen in their role. Played out by the actors we all know we hold in our minds that resemble the days when they were part of the crowd around the house, and in our company.


In the days when everyone who lived in the village we all shared one dining table, no one, not even one, of the members was left out when the breakfast feast, the midday feast, the snacks, and the last supper of the evening were brought to the table. Everyone sat down and passed the food around. What a messy place it was to those who could not be happy until was cleaned again.


Our stomach all had what we worked so hard to make, for us, to keep ourselves alive.


Good cheer and sad news were all shared around as well, at each time.


If you feel you don't have a part in the daily ways of it then you've probably just been struck by some odd sensation, death even abides at our sides with all that have a part of and in with life. So, if you start to lose heart, take heart in knowing; the rest of the villagers will do what they do and one of them will take care of you, which, and whoever, the one is whose skill is called upon to do it you can feel assured they will as well as they can.


So, I sat here in my wealth, it grieved me to know; that it has not the villagers to which I can give it to, because they have all gone. So far out of my reach. They left me no address to where I can send the gifts that I got your for your birthdays. I've tried and tried with this new fangle gadget to figure out how to shove through the screen so it ends up in your hands. Where's that scientist with the transporter beam thingy?


If only I had a magical sleigh and some flying reindeer who could fly fast and swiftly deliver to addresses where I might discover every one, including the good boys and girls who have given me the cheer I feel in my heart. Even though I know not where you are, that I have no one to get a thrashing from, and these joyful items to who I seem to think someone deserves. If only; the one who do all that magic would come and take them to deliver I'd send them to all I would have them sent to too.


Even though we are so far apart at least I know you're still where it counts most; in my heart.


The World is our stage.


Thank you for playing your part!


Happy Holidays!

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I have been playing the ported over to ps4 minecraft witch its now run by MS, i like the idea of HD resource packs and maybe even shaders on the ps4..



It runs really well, no lag at all.


I'm having a cold pasta salad that was a hot meal yesterday. :geek: The reasons for it becoming a cold delicacy is ancient history in my collection of hysterical novels and movies.


And just another reminder of the day that makes me warm all over again. I learned something anew! :laugh:



easy as pizza (pie)

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