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The last poster wins


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There are two older than dirt fellows here. Could be there are more, with the kind of humor they derived from your words I suspect they have had some experience before they started getting trained for Infantry Training Regimental. All lined up behind the leader hoping the guy in front of them doesn't get shot leaving them in the lead.


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Whatever you say, i am not that type of thinker, what i say or type is up to you to translate into proper meaning.

That's bull and you know it. Yours is the responsibility to make sense. That includes proper grammar.


TL;DR: Lighten up already. It was just a joke.


Edit: Also, I win.

Edited by BlackRampage
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My pc specs as fallows.


Windows 10 Home

16gb of ddr4 gskill

gtx 1070 zotac mini

Ryzen 2700x on sale for 270$

A rogue strix republic of gamers motherboard rgb included.

ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!!! its fAAASSSTTTT!!! Skyrim se runs like buttery smooth with 1 second load times. I can't wait to mod it now.

Edited by niphilim222
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Skyrim se Runs so smooth its only using 30% core usage lol. gpu 69% at 60fps. Reporting back that this is done on a modded Skyrim se.

My 3dmark as of fallows Direcx 12 benchmark.


5 895 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070(1x) and AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Also highly suggest fps monitor in Steam then steam overlay, comes feature rich.






I haven't had a chance to overclock the ram or use turbo on anything i just benchmarked, complete stock.


I noticed some chop in skyrim with 60fps, someone mentioned threading performance, i did the unthinkable.


I noticed a much smoother experience with mods.

iNumHWThreads=16 lol
Edited by niphilim222
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