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I'm awake. I am no healthier than before I went to sleep. I judge that Corvid 19 is still far enough off on someone else's table because it hasn't caused any ambulance sirens to increase in numbers as of yet.


At first I wondered if the whole city had gone into self quarantine, because it is so quiet this morning.


Go to the grocery store Paga and even if you don't see lots of people you'll see their "results".


Toilet paper aisle ... completely empty. Bread section ... a handful of loaves of the least popular bread. Meat section ... you can fit all of the remaining meat into a hand basket (that one is new since yesterday ... was maybe 1/2 stocked yesterday).


My neighbor told me a good one over the fence yesterday ... he was driving past the beer store (here in Canada remember) on Thursday or Friday morning, a little while before it opened (about the same day as I first noticed the toilet paper aisle that is still empty) . Every parking spot all way around the building was full, and it is a "big box" that shares it's parking with our local shopping mall, so not a limited space lot in the slightest.


Toilet paper ... check. Beer ... check. OK honey, we're ready for the zombie apocalypse.

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Damn Hustlers, buying and selling the goods to amazon or Kijiji.. The evidence of such action i already witnessed not to long ago. With Chocolate milk and Eggnog at Christmas time. Its like it disappears from existence.

Edited by niphilim222
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Makes me wonder if the beer brewing supply store is getting swamped and cleaned out ?


I predict a rash of bathtub gin going around :nuke:


Sugar and Yeast , that's all ya really need.

The trick is not letting any bacteria get in with the yeast while they make alcohol out of sugar.

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Drinking and shitting myself to death doesn't seem humorous to me. I'm not laughing because I have been ill enough on occasions when I thought I would die.


There are several places setting rules for the Corvid 19 virus so far that is all that has been developing.


I have a microscope with the necessary equipment to analyse the viral entity. If there aren't enough laboratory practitioners left and no one will delude themself to think they can hamper my own investigation then. If I find myself sick with the Corvid 19 I will try to discover what might cure me of it or at least prevent it from making me suffer serious damage to my body. I am not one to drown my sorrows before I have any real reason to do so, and then I may only drink with the rest of the soldiers slugging back the brew, because it might keep me from dying from a stubborn bunch of attacking viral old soldiers from another long forgotten war.

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In my experience ... High levels of blood alcohol will keep one from contracting sickness ....... BUT!!!

It also kills the immune system , making you catch something if it kept hanging around once you sobered up.


Little bit of catch 22 there :ohmy:

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Locally it is snowing again. It started about half an hour ago. Everyone around where the winter is cold and snow is still, are all being quarantined by the weather.


3 days ago I stocked up from shopping at three different grocery stores and they were all crowded with people. I stocked up on frozen pizza and some non-perishables. If the weather stays cold with this snow all of us that come out breathing after another 10 days should be all free and clear to return to living among the crowd.


I Win!

It's is as easy as Pizza (pie)

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