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A good vegan diet is ... to eat the free range ones.


Probably related to the "free range rude" that Barney told Clarice that Dr. Lector preferred.



I don't follow you here , but I want to.


I simply meant eat vegan people who freely range.

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A good vegan diet is ... to eat the free range ones.


Probably related to the "free range rude" that Barney told Clarice that Dr. Lector preferred.



I don't follow you here , but I want to.


I simply meant eat vegan people who freely range.



That's from the third Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal Lector movie (aptly named Hannibal). Barney was the guard who spent time talking to Lector at night in the insane asylum, and Barney and Clarice were comparing whether or not they feared Lector would come after them (after his escape of course). Barney explained to Clarice that he didn't fear Lector as Lector had confided in him that when possible he preferred to eat the rude ... free range rude was the specific reference.


There you are ... all up to speed.

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A good vegan diet is ... to eat the free range ones.


Probably related to the "free range rude" that Barney told Clarice that Dr. Lector preferred.



I don't follow you here , but I want to.


I simply meant eat vegan people who freely range.



That's from the third Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal Lector movie (aptly named Hannibal). Barney was the guard who spent time talking to Lector at night in the insane asylum, and Barney and Clarice were comparing whether or not they feared Lector would come after them (after his escape of course). Barney explained to Clarice that he didn't fear Lector as Lector had confided in him that when possible he preferred to eat the rude ... free range rude was the specific reference.


There you are ... all up to speed.



Ahhh ... and I thought myself well versed on that story , since I have watched all the movies multiple times , Silence of the lambs nearly 100 course falling asleep to it I guess doesn't really count ?


Funny , I remember "rude" I just don't remember "free range"

But knowing that now , would guess that is where I came up with the joke , since I have been saying it for awhile now ; )

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Ya'll care to switch gears ? Mention a movie you have watched umpteen times ... then maybe even some dialogue from it.


I'll go first ... The Hunt for Red October ... which is another movie I fall asleep to.

And every time it is near the beginning , in Ramius cabin with the political officer.

The sounds of opening the safe , then the shuffle of papers .... zzzzzzzz

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Ya'll care to switch gears ? Mention a movie you have watched umpteen times ... then maybe even some dialogue from it.


I'll go first ... The Hunt for Red October ... which is another movie I fall asleep to.

And every time it is near the beginning , in Ramius cabin with the political officer.

The sounds of opening the safe , then the shuffle of papers .... zzzzzzzz


And mine is the opposite problem ... way way past my bedtime yet I just have to see the end of a movie I've seen countless times before (I have the Jack Ryan boxed set by the way).


Here's one from one of my all time favourites 5th Element ... Korben Dallas "Just like drivin' a cab" ... then a little later "Anybody else want to negotiate?".


Mila could have me for anything she wants for as long as she wants.


- Edit - Actually I got the order of the quotes backwards.

Edited by Striker879
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Paga, this one is for you (more referencing your Debates post) ...


"Things are gettin' better, they're gettin' better all the time" ... the Postman (Kevin Costner) in the movie The Postman.


I was at the grocery store again today and there actually was toilet paper in the toilet paper aisle. OK not a lot, but it was in the afternoon not first thing in the morning. Maybe people have started to run out of room for their "backup for the backup" toilet paper (i.e. they have come to the point where they can't enter the house due to ceiling to floor every square inch filled with toilet paper).


Or maybe they are starting to get the message ... don't panic.


If all else fails then DeathByKitty has our backs ... Toilet Paper.

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There are signs the world isn't being drawn to an end by another fierce beast of unimaginable size and enormous strength.


Godzilla meets Mothra! Godzilla says, Eeeerggarthhh. Mothra flaps enormous wings. People running and screaming in the city as building parts fall crushing cars and buses.


I have been roaming about in the real world.


Their are families home with their children enjoying the experiences of being together; instead of being separated by work and school.

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