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The last poster wins


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Veterans had to go off to find work, because of a bill changing the amount of money to pay for our college fees. We all received the news. We watched as Pres. Nixon swore on television our checks would not be reduced. It would only affect the new recruits. He obviously didn't read the small print on the G. I. College funds. I got a job in the dorm.

Line: I can't learn anything from you, unless you want to talk about you. (Robin Williams)

The others turned to means which were barely within the law as the last of them all; began to leave.

I Win!

It's is as easy as Pizza (pie)



Ours was "No wage and price controls" ... and then when he got elected he immediately implemented wage controls (but not price controls) except for the Members of Parliament ... happens to be our current leader's Dad.


Can't believe a thing out of any of their mouths.


You've got me stumped Paga. I even did a scan through Robins IMDb movies list hoping I'd have an "ah ha" moment. As a wild guess I'd go with Fisher King.

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Veterans had to go off to find work, because of a bill changing the amount of money to pay for our college fees. We all received the news. We watched as Pres. Nixon swore on television our checks would not be reduced. It would only affect the new recruits. He obviously didn't read the small print on the G. I. College funds. I got a job in the dorm.

Line: I can't learn anything from you, unless you want to talk about you. (Robin Williams)

The others turned to means which were barely within the law as the last of them all; began to leave.

I Win!

It's is as easy as Pizza (pie)



Ours was "No wage and price controls" ... and then when he got elected he immediately implemented wage controls (but not price controls) except for the Members of Parliament ... happens to be our current leader's Dad.


Can't believe a thing out of any of their mouths.


You've got me stumped Paga. I even did a scan through Robins IMDb movies list hoping I'd have an "ah ha" moment. As a wild guess I'd go with Fisher King.




The planets travel around the Sun. The planet Earth and all the rest move along their paths over and over. The planets do it without any conscious wonder I can sense. To me my knowledge of what I learned is the same in the respect of going around and around. I start at the point of my first intelligent thought and roll along until I reach the end of what I have learned, so far as I can tell.


I wonder about my injuries. Pause, then ponder if I am healed up enough to get a good job earning a good wage. I have realized I have only interrupted people's lives during my attempts to return to a life working a job earning an honest wage such as they. I even tried my hand a modding to see if I could work it in and find a way to keep busy.


The shock to my confidence repeats each time like a planet going around the Sun. No doctor has healed me, no psychologist, or psychiatrist has restored me. I've become so well educated in their fields that I could take the college exams and get a degree in the professions, but then I would reach the end of my yearly routine and start all over again without having gotten young again (MAIN PROBLEM), gained the attention of a woman, marrying, having children, raising children, and having my own life end after seeing them continue on with a family life as it happens.


Instead I am so old I sense at morning rise the sudden realization I am about to start at the beginning again and not be able to do anything to change a thing as, like a planet, I go through the whole ordeal again. But each time I tell someone, who has the time to listen, they go on without seeming to have gotten a sense of what I was saying to explain my day, and go living their life until they get old and die.


I am left again with beginning again the cycle of a new day. I am still here like a planet waiting for my turn around the Sun again.


I Win!

It's is as easy as Pizza (pie)

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Yes the Arrow of Time is the enemy.


As compared to planets and suns we are ephemeral, something we start out blissfully unaware of. When we glimps that harsh reality, and gain the nerve to look it straight in the eye it may seem that perhaps we are closer to the end. In fact we spend each of our days, from the very beginning, close to the end ... for that end appears, often without warning, when it decides it is time.


I know not how the decision that it is time happens, I only know that it will happen. Though I could fear that it will happen I choose to embrace it.


If this is the last day let there be no regrets.

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Yes the Arrow of Time is the enemy.


As compared to planets and suns we are ephemeral, something we start out blissfully unaware of. When we glimps that harsh reality, and gain the nerve to look it straight in the eye it may seem that perhaps we are closer to the end. In fact we spend each of our days, from the very beginning, close to the end ... for that end appears, often without warning, when it decides it is time.


I know not how the decision that it is time happens, I only know that it will happen. Though I could fear that it will happen I choose to embrace it.


If this is the last day let there be no regrets.


Yesterday is gone, yesterday was the last day.
Details! Details! Always more details.
Did I miss something?! Oh! That end of the world stuff. Yeah! The 7 seals, the four horsemen of the apocalypse.


I Win!

It's is as easy as Pizza (pie)

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No yesterday is but some electro-chemical residue left behind in my brain as it unfolded as the present nano-second.


The brief slice of time I am experiencing at this moment (that has flashed into the past almost as quickly as I was able to notice it's fleeting passage) is all that I have. Yesterday has no value beyond what value I attribute to it as I muck through that electro-chemical residue. The future only exists as a construct I've made for myself in that same electro-chemical cesspool, as something to aid in getting through any particular current nano-second.


Hope springs eternal.


I have no horses, only a keyboard and some electrons willing to do my bidding.

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Just did a clean up of old temp files backed up system updates, copied of course, saved me 15gb in space.


Do you have a tera byte yet ... or are you still trying to pawn off second rate stuff to us ?


Paga's GuFF is a full 737 GB ... and I wouldn't have the mod made with anything less than his full GuFF.


Otherwise it would just be a shadow ... and what's the point of that ?

except noodles and cheese. If you go in for that sort of thing :teehee:


Life is a mystery , then people think about checking into Hotels :ninja:


"What kind of Sangwich aint to fattening ?"

"I don't know , a half a Sangwich "

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