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I went out to find another shop or store with live people who feel the same about all the activity surrounding, now they call it Covid-19 when I was just getting around to calling Corvid - 19 and I was thinking to give it some splash of fun, calling it a Corvette Video of a new model called 19, no one I saw or talked to seemed entirely sure the reports and stuff are helping any.


I remember I was the only student in sophomore biology that didn't own a car. I already had a bug collection when I was six. I should be allowed to go out and participate in the biology stuff, but the V. A. Benefis people turned me away before I ever got around to telling what I was knowledgible enough to offer to assist them with.


And of all things, the front line medical members weren't wearing the masks and were seeing patients. Of all people I would want them to avoid becoming sick. They're the ones with the equipment that they can use to seek a solution to the problem. Shouldn't they be more cautious and wear medical masks?


I was shocked too. Two of the gals in the office who are the general staff handling patients coming in for an exam and records were coughing and not covering their faces.


I don't believe that Covid - 19 is anything less than another case of the flu with an exaggerated death rate when the people that are dying already were in a bad enough way the covid-19 just added certainty to their deaths.


I believe I have seen enough real life instances to know by observing others I know when they are just pulling our legs and seeing how long it takes before the people realize it.


I am enjoying a lot of fresh air, less stress, more yawning, and the nights that are much quieter.


Fresh air and quiet WIN!

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All well. I've received an eMail from the V. A. Benefis that all visits must be by appointment only now. What a miracle! Just as I was thinking that's what they should do they send out an Email to tell me I have to have a health reason and to call in before I can get in.


Good thing I found a copy of the Latest Star Wars Movie at the grocery store.


I've got the whole collection of Star Wars and Star Trek movies for movie night now.


If we could only have a popcorn and BYOB movie night, that would make things better IMO.

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Oh for F'sakes ... I'm glad that april first crap is over.


Doesn't it feel like a whole new year of possibilities ? I guess there is something to the tax year hitting close after this. And now ... corona like my tendrils invading every corner ... becomes the new reason to live.


Did you people really have a reason to live before an itty bitty thing invaded your lives ?

Hmm kinda looks like a beholder .......... ergo everybody luvs a good fantasy adventure . Unless it includes lazy SJW content implimentation.


Mizhena ... you should exist on the Prime Plane ... not a shoe horned political plane.

Give life to her by including a gender alignment with the gender selection during character Creation .


That would have truly been a brave Dev moment for Dragonspear than what they did.


Sorry all , I just found out about this , hence my posts are tainted by it.

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Oh for F'sakes ... I'm glad that april first crap is over.


Doesn't it feel like a whole new year of possibilities ? I guess there is something to the tax year hitting close after this. And now ... corona like my tendrils invading every corner ... becomes the new reason to live.


Did you people really have a reason to live before an itty bitty thing invaded your lives ?

Hmm kinda looks like a beholder .......... ergo everybody luvs a good fantasy adventure . Unless it includes lazy SJW content implimentation.


Mizhena ... you should exist on the Prime Plane ... not a shoe horned political plane.

Give life to her by including a gender alignment with the gender selection during character Creation .


That would have truly been a brave Dev moment for Dragonspear than what they did.


Sorry all , I just found out about this , hence my posts are tainted by it.


Sorry I'm late for your party Mk ... here's the best I could dig up on short notice (and a day late):


New pilot project to release freshwater sharks in Lake Huron to control invasive Asian carp species

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And I'm saying 4 years later ... it is time to put gender alignment on the character creation screen just like the alignment between Evil and Good. Cuz here in the fantasy world ... we already done that.

The point being ... we don't want shoe horned political statements.

Just get on with it and put it as a Character creation element. But then does need game side render mechanics ... can't just be a token gesture.


What you say about that Striker ?

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