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LOL, makes one wonder if anyone ever pulled that off with William's own skull after his death.

I know I would if presented with the opportunity, Just for the heck of it. :tongue:

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LOL, makes one wonder if anyone ever pulled that off with William's own skull after his death.

I know I would if presented with the opportunity, Just for the heck of it. :tongue:


I remembered the story told by Orson Wells. The story about gravediggers digging up Nostradamus's body so one man could drink from his skull. Legends had it said he who drinks from the skull of Nostradamus would get his powers to see into the future. Maybe kissing Willingly Shakeshisspeare's skull was thought to pass on to the kisser the powers he had. That power of writing GREAT PLAYS! :teehee: Oh! (enter name here) I knew him well!



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Hamlet?! Tender?! And not the King one! The King who Claudius did give a potion so Claudius could reign over the little two apartment complex in the middle of a big old empty coach parking lot next to the spot of grass with a rustic crumbling down old building used to store old buggy parts for their coach. Where now they keep the baby bull they found, and the Milk cow. Every cow needs and likes a little bull around. Just to keep things interesting in the old Hamlet tonight.




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