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Can't you simply emulate the very old games using a virtual machine instead?

There is no challenge doing it that way. The fun is in finding the parts and getting everything working together. It is like restoring old cars and homes.


Good luck then.


I still have my windows 98 PC but I prefer using my windows 10 PC to play games released at the time of win98.

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All i need right now is a 4k tv for my office, my stereo only supports up to 4k, which i was lucky at the time to get me such a amplifier aka receiver... Good old Onkyo never fails me.


YOUR Genii has been calling your office. You seem to have left your answering machine on again while you're in the office. The important thing you must remember is, you must say the word 'Wish' instead of the word 'Need' when you ask for items you don't really need. A reminder from the Genii's Guild, be careful how you use the word factory to conjunct words into sentence when making your wishes.


We all know what happened to Sheogorath :geek: when he wished for something he thought he absolutely was sure he wanted and didn't really need! :confused: Now he's absolutely :verymad: :laugh:

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Oh! My! I think I see my Mother! She's Dead! Seriously; dead! She wouldn't want me to give away my families trade secrets. So I will just remind you about what I said before.



Your equipment! You described! I already suggested the Nvidia G-Sync Gamers Monitor, but you switched your attentions to the Office. Office machinery is not usually a jumble bunch of off market parts. That is, unless... No! I won't go there.


Choose for the quality of equipment you have. Go to the flea markets, if you must, to find a good used Nvidia compatible monitor. Advice from me would be that or nothing more, because my skill level as a marketing agent is not among the local shelves in your community stores.


I only venture through parts stores where nuts, bolt's, nails, timber, and stuff I learned to make things with, anymore.


Since the electronic parts store closed it's parts business that I bought many pieces for no longer exists I barely entertain ideas in that school. I have a breadboard to build stuff on the old fashion with sockets that plug into the breadboard and I can create with; fill my shop.


I have some of Westinghouse's old Nikola Tesla electronic resistors, capacitors, and diodes, triodes, too! And more companies stuff if you would like to buy them to build some Goth jewelry I would be happy to sell you some of the tubes that I used; to build up a series of parts with the many.


I can still make the big glass tubes glow.


Ah! But I digress. I am gamer; because I read in the big book that I may go on and into the afterlife. I sure would rather be prepared, for the off chance, I find, that even in the afterlife, once there, I might have need of a skill. I might find out work is required there, and then, I may be so fortunate to find out I've learned from these video games I tried and I may apply to too.


Hm? A trade in the Afterlife?!

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So are you suggesting that what comes next may not be lounging with gentle repose as mana floats down from above leaving us constantly replenished ... err, oh wait ... isn't that what some people think this life is all about??


- Edit - There we go, Striker got in his one allotted "stirage of the pot" for today. What's next on the schedule ...

Edited by Striker879
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