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What the hey?!

I ain't following no one, because everyone older than me ihas both feet in the grave, and I am the only one left with the keys to start the tractor with the scoop shovel and the keys to the shed if Ihave to go back to the hand held RazorBack Spade. So I can burry all their coffins with them inside once they get back in and stay there. :laugh:

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I see my words that don't make sense to a lot of the girls here. I would explain, only, why should I need to. When all of you reading this, you have access to a dictionary that holds more words and definitions that explain every word, even new ones that someone just made up. All you poor rich little PC, Tablet, Notebook, Mobile phone owners (all with Internet Service) have to do is type the words in a SEARCH engine to look them up.


I had a pocket dictionary that was made out of paper and had plastic book style covers. Anyone who has a computer PC with the Internet has access to the largest compilation of words and their definitions than anywhere else. My little pocket dictionary had to be replaced every year because more words kept (get this word for a fancy way of out growing the books pages and cover >>>) "CROPPING" up. Cropping. Just thinking about it makes me think of food.


I get the fact I am not as lazy as all that. But it's clear the future is looking dim, because the people who all these new devices were made for, excuse my old word for it, AIN'T using the devices for what they are worth.


Still, I am sure that I will find a little food and some clean water to drink without these fancy gadgets. Yup! The West will Fall, just because of All the lazy bums who were given the best tools on Earth to help them learn how to live in the old modern civilized world. Fancier civilized buildings and such then I have. I have an old house I refer to as my little wooden tent. It's doesn't need steaks (as you thinked I meant) to keep the wind from blowing it away.


It's no wonder why all of the people who actually use the devices are getting rich. They don't have to have someone read the words to them aloud about where the jobs are in the back of the Newspaper where the advertisements are.


And where my stakes are? The ones for my mountain tent I stake it out with? Well no one will recognize my tent if they are standing around nearby because there will be a thousand just like out in plain sight where all of us miners are digging around looking for another place to stake a claim with some ore to swap for paper money, or add to a check/debit card. If you trust those plastic things.


Sheesh. Getting a really big "babyboomer with a chip on his shoulder" vibe from this... diatribe.

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I see my words that don't make sense to a lot of the girls here. I would explain, only, why should I need to. When all of you reading this, you have access to a dictionary that holds more words and definitions that explain every word, even new ones that someone just made up. All you poor rich little PC, Tablet, Notebook, Mobile phone owners (all with Internet Service) have to do is type the words in a SEARCH engine to look them up.


I had a pocket dictionary that was made out of paper and had plastic book style covers. Anyone who has a computer PC with the Internet has access to the largest compilation of words and their definitions than anywhere else. My little pocket dictionary had to be replaced every year because more words kept (get this word for a fancy way of out growing the books pages and cover >>>) "CROPPING" up. Cropping. Just thinking about it makes me think of food.


I get the fact I am not as lazy as all that. But it's clear the future is looking dim, because the people who all these new devices were made for, excuse my old word for it, AIN'T using the devices for what they are worth.


Still, I am sure that I will find a little food and some clean water to drink without these fancy gadgets. Yup! The West will Fall, just because of All the lazy bums who were given the best tools on Earth to help them learn how to live in the old modern civilized world. Fancier civilized buildings and such then I have. I have an old house I refer to as my little wooden tent. It's doesn't need steaks (as you thinked I meant) to keep the wind from blowing it away.


It's no wonder why all of the people who actually use the devices are getting rich. They don't have to have someone read the words to them aloud about where the jobs are in the back of the Newspaper where the advertisements are.


And where my stakes are? The ones for my mountain tent I stake it out with? Well no one will recognize my tent if they are standing around nearby because there will be a thousand just like out in plain sight where all of us miners are digging around looking for another place to stake a claim with some ore to swap for paper money, or add to a check/debit card. If you trust those plastic things.


Sheesh. Getting a really big "babyboomer with a chip on his shoulder" vibe from this... diatribe.



Ease back on the stick a bit Black ... Paga had that locked on me so you don't need to chaff 'n flare. Take a look through my recent posts and you'll see who he was gunnin' for.


All in good fun. I think the thing I miss most about being retired is the kibitzing (and yes, that would be the only thing I miss ... even considering the drop in pay and "the boss" I have to put up with now).

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My boss will not kill me, nor command me to kill any other.


Nor do I write words in the name of the royal's.


I write in hopes that one day I might rise, in another life maybe, too. I know that a scribes life in either house, royals or religious, is a better life for some. I am sure.


What I am now, is author of what I see, a compilation of all which was, is, and could be. Imagine a king wanting to be a scribe and you'll know what it means to write your own letters. But he still will be a king.


And I will still be me. Just me!

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Are you presently in a time zone close to Central time? If so I will have to adjust my location to meet you so our ISP's are not juggled too far apart on the server lines to connect to STEAM.


I am in a small suburb of Utah at the moment. I would have to find a northern most ISP server in Minnesota or Detroit so we can sign on without conflicts from loads of traffic between our hops from servers.


Do you have software apps to show you how many services your ISP has had to hop through to get to STEAMs Server?


I have to swap computers now. I have too many servers to hop through to get to STEAM with the MI-Fi service pack that uses Utah's ISP server bank.

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Are you presently in a time zone close to Central time? If so I will have to adjust my location to meet you so our ISP's are not juggled too far apart on the server lines to connect to STEAM.


I am in a small suburb of Utah at the moment. I would have to find a northern most ISP server in Minnesota or Detroit so we can sign on without conflicts from loads of traffic between our hops from servers.


Do you have software apps to show you how many services your ISP has had to hop through to get to STEAMs Server?


I have to swap computers now. I have too many servers to hop through to get to STEAM with the MI-Fi service pack that uses Utah's ISP server bank.


Paga ... keep your wits about you.


Even though you are without a doubt the best you that anyone could possibly be (heck, a way bigger task than I'd ever attempt ... I have my hands full just being me), you are also a hunted man!!

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Are you presently in a time zone close to Central time? If so I will have to adjust my location to meet you so our ISP's are not juggled too far apart on the server lines to connect to STEAM.


I am in a small suburb of Utah at the moment. I would have to find a northern most ISP server in Minnesota or Detroit so we can sign on without conflicts from loads of traffic between our hops from servers.


Do you have software apps to show you how many services your ISP has had to hop through to get to STEAMs Server?


I have to swap computers now. I have too many servers to hop through to get to STEAM with the MI-Fi service pack that uses Utah's ISP server bank.


Paga ... keep your wits about you.


Even though you are without a doubt the best you that anyone could possibly be (heck, a way bigger task than I'd ever attempt ... I have my hands full just being me), you are also a hunted man!!



I am so! I just turned on a computer PC at a Remote location. Turned on my old Windows 98 SE. It has the original Thread Master Mapping system. A Windows 98 SE. That software has address search, ping, map of the world. I can see ever hop that the computer signal has to go, the computers address, location, city, country providence, what have you. I have a 3D holographic imager. I can see the world map in actual 4 dimensions.


I see a line to and through to get to the one computer's address I seek. EVERY HOP AROUND THE WORLD. I can see ever Jet pack, with wi-fi, and Mi-Fi signal triangulating in on one speck. The only thing is, the company that produced the software went out of business because the government turned down the contract.


A child in Australia sold a scanning app to thousands of people. I raised the resolution of a photo of every one of the family pictures to 1000x magnifications and each time I did it, 10x at a time, it set the resolutions clarity to pinpoint clarity. I found a picture of a woman in a old 1812 photo wearing a hoop gown sitting in a photo back drop of a southerners home columns in a room. I zoomed in and discovered the picture had been altered. A tiny piece of her face had been cut out and replaced. I sent all the photos in 8x10 to a family member to show just what a farce the people who played along with him while following up his families GENEALOGY for FUN, were duping him and stealing his money.


I was offered a blueprint made in 1963 of a device two guys in the computer science class swore was real. Ten years before 1973 the blueprints were patented for a telephone that still isn't on the open market today. Only because there wasn't anyone educated well enough or machines that could do the miniature work required to make it. They wanted me to invest $20.00 to help them make it happen.


I know how to read electronic blueprints. SAMS. I looked at that blueprint and saw the most incredible device that will ever be. Only if someone will make it now that the machines exist to. Did I mention how my reading skills are?


Hunting me is like looking for water that isn't in a glass. I just heard another group of rollers engines roar. Tuning up, because even though they left CA they didn't leave behind the people they are all related to. Party time! As of now the method of their madness has all been Dance Off's. From East Coast to the West Coast Dance Offs have been a major player in the street wars.


The corona virus has confined many people, but it hasn't broken their spirit. I just heard a beautifully tuned engine take a quarter mile with no pitter popping all smooth and clean.


By the time I finish typing this 2 thousand people with happy faces will be hanging out at the first stop of the car road trip scavenger hunt. Another scavenger hunt ended recently and the locals had a lot of fun.


I wrote a little something after the last post before Blackrampage posted just to see if it would tickle your elbows funny bone.


I started writing this short story today; Sunday; August 16, 2020 beginning at 12:11 PM MST...


A slender man in a suit with a shimmering blue jacket, a soft tweed sweater, with a white collar sticking out of the sweaters neck got out of a van parked at the curb in front of a huge established large stone block building. He went walking up to the temple door. He had on blue satin trousers matching the jacket, white socks matching his shirt, and inside his pair of blue suede shoes. He walked into the Chapel paused inside the church. Stood and listened a moment with his back to the door.
The priest at the podium continued his reading without pause for the late comers entrance.
The man straightened and began walking forward along the aisle between the bench seats. In passing he looked to his left and right. Winked at a few of the ladies, then passed the last bench in front, and kept right on walking toward the podium.
The priest eyed him as he continued speaking the lines from the very old very big book on the podium. The man walked right up to him and stopped. The priest stopped talking. Looked him in the eye. Covered the microphone with one hand and whispered. Are you trying to piss me off.
Without flinching the man replied I'm not trying. I am an expert at it and it is clear I have done my bit well.
The priests eyes bulged, his face and ears grew red, he raised the very heavy big book from the podium above his head and started to slam it down on the guys head.
Stop! Filled the air inside the 30 foot high arched ceilings. Wouldst thou attack a messenger from thy God?
The priest froze with the very heavy very big book over his head a strong man would have had trouble holding up.
I command you to put the book down and remove the reignments bestowed upon you. By my rite as thy God!
The priests strength left him and he barely was able to bring the very heavy very big book down and luckily slam it down onto the podium. Dust from time that it was never removed spewed from the pages that had not been moved for many years. The priest then bowed his head summiting to the words.
He removed all his outer garments and handed them to the man standing in front of him.
The man took the clothes and stepped back a few paces. Assured that the priest was in his birthday suit.
Cameras focused in, a room far across the world appeared with people in it. When the picture came on, all seeing eyes from inside the church appeared on all the TV monitors, so everyone was seen, even everyone at the Vatican appeared.
As the priest felt his naked self being viewed by all that could see him on the television monitors he felt ashamed. He covered his groin, holding his water, and fearful for his life.
Just then words came in from out of the air, "We come into the world naked and one day we shall depart it, and our soul will bare and be judged on judgment day".
The sound of thunder filled the temple. The priest trembled. As did most witnessing the event. As the thunder subsided the voice from above came again.
Happy Birthday to you; Join in EVERYONE! Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear... Happy Birthday to you from the Vatican from the Pope.
This message was sent by the Pope brought to you by your local Ventriloquist Birthday Surprise club dot org.
The smiling lookalike of a man well known to the priest, not the lookalike the person the lookalike was imitating, handing his clothes, waiting holdling up the small cape that the lookalike wore so the priest had some privacy to dress. Then for the piece of the resistance the man sang the birthday gift. The Priests favorite song.

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