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You know with the Internet I could see things like Brain implants getting a nasty hack from the outside lol.


Werne's avatar :geek: shows you a guy thinking just like you. Only the old monitor that is about to crash down on the other guys head wouldn't fit inside a human head back then. Still just a blunt way to control another. Beat them into submission.


A crushing blow for mankind back when. :laugh: There is a person who has had a computer chip implanted in his brain. :geek:


One of the hopes of leaders in science and industry is that one day they will be able to build a computer small enough, and indestructible, which will have all the abilities of a human brain, including the ones we've let become dormant because we don't use them. Einstein said we only use about 10% of our brain.




Easy as Pizza (pie).

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It may be indestructible but if its wifi ready or internet ready, I could see it, Hrmmm de dumb dumb. Governments on to you, repeat Government is on to you. He wakes up from a trance, and says I have been hacked from a outside source via government.. You are all under arrest police say, but it ain't police that's for sure, yees it is...

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One of the hopes of leaders in science and industry is that one day they will be able to build a computer small enough, and indestructible, which will have all the abilities of a human brain, including the ones we've let become dormant because we don't use them. Einstein said we only use about 10% of our brain.

Yeah, I'm somewhat sceptical about that.

Sure, building a computer that has the same processing power (or more) as a human brain? Only a matter of time.

Creating an A.I. that's self-aware and more intelligent then a human? Only a matter of time.

Building something that has the same ability as a human brain for creativity, emotions, abstract thinking, inductive reasoning? Now that's a whole other ballpark.


Also, if one were to built something that has everything described above, and I could somehow transfer my, for a lack of a better word, "soul" onto such a thing, would I still be "me". or would I be someone (or something?) else?

And what if I would copy myself onto such a thing? Would there suddenly be 2 "me's"? (and could I have one of me go to work in my stead? :tongue: )

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Why bother building a machine that can be as good as a brain, why not just use a brain in the first place? If we were to put more money into figuring out how the fleshy CPU works we'd be able to take a human, extract the brain and use it for processing. Need more power? Use more brains.


And there we go, my solution for the overpopulation/too many homeless people/overcrowded jails/unemployment problems. :thumbsup:

Edited by Werne
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One of the hopes of leaders in science and industry is that one day they will be able to build a computer small enough, and indestructible, which will have all the abilities of a human brain, including the ones we've let become dormant because we don't use them. Einstein said we only use about 10% of our brain.

Yeah, I'm somewhat sceptical about that.

Sure, building a computer that has the same processing power (or more) as a human brain? Only a matter of time.

Creating an A.I. that's self-aware and more intelligent then a human? Only a matter of time.

Building something that has the same ability as a human brain for creativity, emotions, abstract thinking, inductive reasoning? Now that's a whole other ballpark.


Also, if one were to built something that has everything described above, and I could somehow transfer my, for a lack of a better word, "soul" onto such a thing, would I still be "me". or would I be someone (or something?) else?

And what if I would copy myself onto such a thing? Would there suddenly be 2 "me's"? (and could I have one of me go to work in my stead? :tongue: )



Science and Industry both seek a way to resolve our reach in the realms of hypothesis, creating a functional replica of the human brain, and obtaining resources outside our planet.


Create a machine independent of the limitations of a human body with all the functionality of a human being that can live in outer space and not be limited to needing planetary habitats. That can gather resources for us so we can retire, party and play video games, :woot: and let us sleep in total unconsciousness while Roy Batty does all the work. :happy: Oops!

Rutger Hauer : RIP


Make sure you've had your mental speed of real comprehension tuned up. Then watch this. Aubrey de Grey https://www.ted.com/talks/aubrey_de_grey_a_roadmap_to_end_aging?language=en



Easy as Pizza (pie).

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Why bother building a machine that can be as good as a brain, why not just use a brain in the first place? If we were to put more money into figuring out how the fleshy CPU works we'd be able to take a human, extract the brain and use it for processing. Need more power? Use more brains.


And there we go, my solution for the overpopulation/too many homeless people/overcrowded jails/unemployment problems. :thumbsup:


Then there is that cap on the guy with the robotic arms. Does it slip over the shaved head and provide the nerve motor signals to be transmitted to the robotic controls?
We could just give them all free lice re-mover including free shaved heads to the homeless people/overcrowded jailed/unemployed people and a special warm cap too. That could power the city while wandering sending the energy that makes their muscles work so their thoughts charge up the giant capacitors at the electric power plants. And the caps could keep track of them via the knit wired caps. Knowing where they are so they're easier to find and rouse them up to give the city more power. They'll be thinking about ways to get put back in jail for another 3 months when Winter's day arrives.
Or is the robotic link wired into the brain and the cap is temporary until the surgical area is healed? We'd have to use the Matrix idea and put a jack into their power supply.
Survivors are just like Fallout gamers, only, really scavengers! Jails are the survivors hotel/motel. Where else can you get cleaned up, clean jumpsuits, dental work, hair cuts, warm beds, make new friends, and get three square meals a day? All free!
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