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((OOC: Heh... Peregrine decided that he couldn't leave me alone. I have... returned...)


Armiena suddenly jolted awake. Apparently she had been staring into her glass of the local brew for hours now.


"Oh dear," she brushed a loose strand of dark hair out of her face "I seem to have fallen asleep. That's the last time I drink this vintage." She casually slided her goblet of the local wine across the bar.


"Since I seem to have... fallen asleep, would anyone mind informing me what has transpired during my lengthy nap?"

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The door pushes open and a very short man in full Dwemer armor makes his way into the tavern, dragging a Dwarven warhammer behind him. Although his face is hidden behind his helmet, the curses he throws at the weather, the door and the heavy armor easily recognizes him as a nord. The man makes his way to the barkeep, pushing chairs and tables out of his way.


"The strongest you've got", he tells the barkeep and removes his helmet. He shakes his long red hair out of his face and scratches his bearded chin before looking around at the crowd. "There ya go", says the barkeep and hands the man a jug filled with a dark brown liquid.


The newcomer crawls onto a chair by a table close to the bar, empties the jug and signals for another one. He drinks several jugs without even noticing anyone else, then suddenly, falls asleep with his head resting on the table.




OOC:Char descr.

Name:Engelbrekt Wyldfayre(Ok, I lack creativity)

Race:Nord, with a little bit of Dwarf or something like that.

Age:About 40

Hair/beard color:Red

Class:Call it whatever you want, I call it Warrior

Distinguishing features:Well, he's about 5 feet tall and he looses his temper over anything. Also, if he's not drunk, he's probably just lacking a drink.

Equip:Well.. Dwemer armor and a Warhammer or whatever they're called.

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  • 1 month later...

Draego walk's into the tavern and go's into the corner.

"Barkeep, cheapest stuff ya got."


OOC: My character.


Race-Imperial/Breton Hybrid


Hair-Black hair with a strand hanging down in front of his face.


Equipment-Katana and Wakizashi and his left hip, Tanto strapped to his ankle. Walk's around with a staff.

Other-My character is bling and skilled in many form's of a unknown magic.


Basically the same character as in Serpia-The Revenge.

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  • 3 months later...

BC-G 401 Peregrine, Habassan 4th Fleet Flagship


Captain Airen Tabanne was not a happy man. The needless diversion of an entire fleet would delay offensive operations for almost a full day. And all for what? To wipe out one single man? What insane god ruled this universe, that would think such a powerful force was needed? But no matter, Captain Tabanne's first loyalty was to his crew. And if an efficient victory here would buy their return home, an efficient victory is what the daedra lord would get.


"Target planet now in range, sir," his navigation officer announced.


Captain Tabanne paused for a moment, double-checking the targeting display. When he finally spoke, his words were an ice-cold death sentence.


"Fire pattern alpha, all ships!"


Peregrine's deck shook as her internal launchers kicked out a full 68 missile salvo. On the screen, a cloud of red dust appeared around the fleet as the seven other battlecruisers in the fleet fired as well. The cloud closed slowly on the planet just barely visible out the bridge windows, an inevitable death its target was helpless to stop.



Below, in a small tavern in Morrowind, patrons dove for cover from Kwargklato's sword. In one of those amusing coincidences fate loves throwing into the world, Kwargklato happened to glance out the window. For a few seconds, he stared in confusion at the brilliant streaks filling the sky above. But then he wondered no more, as the missiles reached their programmed target and detonated. Each antimatter warhead could shatter a capital ship, and Fourth Fleet had launched over five hundred of them.


A blinding fireball replaced Morrowind, the shockwave ripping Tamriel apart. In the first instant, Morrowind was completely vaporised, its inhabitants never even seeing their death coming. The shockwave expanded outward, smashing everything in its path. Even as far away as the Imperial capital, citizens had barely more time left in this world. Just enough to look into the sky and have their eyes burned out before antimatter fury claimed their lives. An entire continent died in mere seconds, and even the oceans were boiled away for hundreds of miles in all directions.



But then something stranger happened. Reality blinked again, and Fourth Fleet found itself back in its home universe just as suddenly as it had left. Morrowind returned to existance, exactly as it had been before. Well, except in one tiny detail. Of the great warrior Kwargklato, only a few scattered electrons remained. In that anonymous tavern, patrons returned to their drinks, and Kwargklato soon became a distant memory.



ooc: the troll who was the target of this post has since been removed.

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a scarred, cloaked character limps in...

he says in a hoarse voice


a round of your finest beers for all brertons, altmer, bosmer, argonians, orcs, redgards, nords, khajit and imperials on me


not you dunmer, your kind just attacks me all the time...

(a drunken dunmer approaches) take THIS (punches him)





(sits near Arodom) so anyways, here's a joke for ya


a nord comes up 2 a dunmer and pulls faces

the dunmer walks away

the nord catches up and mimics the dunmer

the dunmer runs away, quite annoyed

the nord catches up and sings "i know a song that'll get on ya nervers"

and a nord singing is funny in itself

but then, the dunmer slashes the nord

the nord says "was i that annoying?"

the dunmer replies "no, it was annording"

(cackles like a witch)


another 1


an orc was exploring with 2 of his friends, when he falls off of a cliff

as he fell, he broke both arms and legs, so when his friends let down the rope,

the orc grabbed on with his teeth

about 3 ft. before the orc got 2 the top, the redgard says "how ya doing"

and the reply comes

"fine thank youaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"


(giggles like a school girl)


idiotic orcs

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