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If you could mod the real world in a smaller way


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1 - Do what Vagrant said and hack to allow me to do more.

2 - Give me amazing strentgh and speed allowing me to remove anyone who annoys me. I already got three people in mind from school -_-

3 - Make my life a better thing to deal with.

4 - Give me power over time to change some of the things that have happened this year.

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I would mod


The world's ocean clean and full of life, of fish, more whales and be better protected this time.


Mod the whole world like this.


Mod Mars into a terraformed world so most of the human population can live there (make an easy way for all to get there) and give Earth a chance to fully recover even with the mods above having helped.


Special virtual reality that excercises the body, allows full sensations and amazing virtual reality worlds but in compressed time so that every minute spent in real time is experienced like ten minutes in virtual time or maybe more.

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