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I think people have gone around misinterpreting what the Mayans actually predicted. They never said anything about the world ending, actually. I think some people read into things what they choose to. I've studied the actual archeology-based studies from universities, which stipulate that a "change", will occur on December 21st, 2012. Change can be good, or bad. Big, or small, too. Something important to some, or mundane to others. Who knows?


IMO, it's really hard anyway to translate what the Mayans were really saying. I mean, just like science is constantly changing, people may find mistakes in translations, and maybe the Mayans really meant something other than what people think they said.


And it's really hard to translate that stuff anyway, as no one today lived in the time of the Maya, and I don't think there really are anyone today who speak the old Mayan language (even the Mayans that live today have a far different form of their language that has undergone centuries of changes)

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Ancient Aeon, the worlds asteroid and 2012 where 2 lines away from eachother in a matrix of the torah (bible code).

There is sufficient, near conclusive evidence that WW3 will happen soon, mostly because it's obvious if you open your eyes.


I (nor anyone) did not base this on Oblivion, I just mentioned that it sounded similar to the plot of oblivion which I find ironic (See Esoteric Agenda)


But, if something said is a fact you will know it soon enough, if it isn't a fact, 100 angels yelling its true doesn't make it true.


So really only time will tell.

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Nothing is going to happen in 2012 that will end the world.

There is no way to predict what will happen as it is all down to chance.


If a meteor happens to hit us or whatever happens, then it is pure coincidence.

We could get hit just after I post this, it would be pure coincidence.


Plus, if anything is to happen, it better be teh zombie apocalypse ¬¬

Been waiting for that too long....

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We could get hit just after I post this, it would be pure coincidence.
That's not coincidence, it's not even 2012 yet. :P


But . . . if 2012 wouldn't be the end. Then when it will be ???

Ancient Aeon, the worlds asteroid and 2012 where 2 lines away from eachother in a matrix of the torah (bible code).

There is sufficient, near conclusive evidence that WW3 will happen soon, mostly because it's obvious if you open your eyes.

Thanks for scaring me :glare: .
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I'm sure that the Mayan civilization with technology thousands of years old could predict the end of the world, while we can't.



You shouldn't write off the Mayan technology simply because of its age. Their astrological calculations were more precise than NASA with all their current technology, satellites and lenses.


I wouldn't know if they were trying to predict and end-of-the-world scenario as much as just not caring to go any further because they did not know how to calculate change after that event.


Their city and building designs were shear genius even by today's standards. If I had a time machine, I would have liked to go back when Mayans were at the top of their game...except their games were quite lethal (for the winners) and they had a nasty tendency to sacrifice outsiders. :D



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You shouldn't write off the Mayan technology simply because of its age. Their astrological calculations were more precise than NASA with all their current technology, satellites and lenses.


I wouldn't know if they were trying to predict and end-of-the-world scenario as much as just not caring to go any further because they did not know how to calculate change after that event.


Their city and building designs were shear genius even by today's standards. If I had a time machine, I would have liked to go back when Mayans were at the top of their game...except their games were quite lethal (for the winners) and they had a nasty tendency to sacrifice outsiders. :D




They where helped by the gods, yes not one, but many. When science and religion fails(I won't say a word about religion again so please don't flame me), our imagination helps a lot. We where here from the beginning as we are parts of this place in time that we call our world. The world does not end, it evolves as it always did. The way we see and understand things today is very different from how they understood'em in thier time. Modern science finds today what our ancestors knew thousands of years ago. They could understand certain things without having to analize, study them like we do today, they just knew they where right and thinking different was a big NO-NO for them.


PS: If you find out about a time machine send me a PM as I have my own curiosities :P




Pushkatu! ;)

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If you've done enough reading, like a few years worth like I did, It's relatively conclusive that a world changing event will take place between sometime in November 2011 and 12/21/12 11:11pm. More likely or not, WW3 will start somewhere around November 20, 2011.


2012 is more-likely-than not (according to statistics) the end of the world as we know it


supposedly the end of the 3rd era of destruction and the beginning of the 4th era of peace (Sounds like oblivion right?)

Watch the Esoteric Agenda on youtube (spelled wrong?) it will explain some stuff if your interested in consuming large amounts of time.


The end of the world will probably happen in about a billion years according to this excerpt...



The Sun used to be fainter in the past, which is possibly the reason why life on Earth has only existed for about 1 billion years on land. The increase in solar temperatures is such that already in about a billion years, the surface of the Earth will become too hot for liquid water to exist, ending all terrestrial life



Ofc, a billion years is irrelevant to us, and the people living by that time probably won't even remember what Earth was, living in some far-off galaxy or something. whistling.gif


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun


Edit: Again, statistically, there is a 1 in 100 chance that Humans will live through this century, there is an extremely high probability of self destruction, mix in some over-due dates on asteroids, a few hundred prophecies, a doomsday clock reading 4 minutes to midnight, a bible code with 100% correct matrices and none occuring after 2012, mutated swine flu, waters reaching critical desalinization points, a colapsing global economy and a few hundred other problems.


The sun, I'm afraid is the least of our worries.


You say its statistically likely to be the end of the world in 2012... care to link your statistics for us?


Also, that 1 in 100 statistic you mentioned... what source is that from?


You can't just go around claiming things to be true unless you can provide evidence to back it up :)


(and yeah, in case you hadn't guessed, I'm skeptical about the whole 2012 thing :P Though I remain open to any evidence to convince me otherwise)

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Now come on, who doesn't think this movie will be the most badazz thing since LSD.

op says its as great as LSD hense my reference.I rarely watch the "boob tube" more important issues in life.And Y2K never happened, neither will 2012,well the year will arrive but thats all


whenever I make a reference in any topic its pertinent; although beyond comprehension by some

I thought Y2K was supposed to be a computer error on Microsoft's part? But on topic, I agree that this has way to much hype... 06,06/2006 was supposed to be the end of the world too, it wasn't. -_-

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In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter if the world ends on 2012, or 6790. The dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, and a billion other species went extinct because they didn't have the intelligence to leave this planet and begin populating the universe. We have the intelligence but no will, apparently. In the end SOMETHING will happened. Be it meteor, polar shift, solar flare, etc. Earth is testing ground for expansion...not a home; and failure to "leave the nest" means extinction.
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