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Stargate Goa'uld Staff Weapon


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Hi there, I just recently had a thought; why don't we add the Goa'uld Staff weapon to the game.


I think its a really cool weapon, and would work very well, its just a staff with a fireball enchantment; however it would require a custom mesh and a good texture if anyone wants to do it.


If your interested in making this request, heres a pic of it: http://www.geocities.com/todkaninchen/SciFiFanFicGlossary_files/image081.jpg



Thanks guys, I think this is a really cool weapon and loads of people would love to have it in game!



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Yes, that would be pretty cool. I don't think the game engine would allow the end of the staff to open up just before firing and then close right after though. At best, I think the weapon would always be in the "ready-to-fire" mode. As far as I have seen, you can add animations to the staff but they would be constant.


But until somebody makes it, here's an Ori Staff in the mean time.


If this is made, the author might also look into creating a Bashaak training staff which is the same shape as a regular staff weapon but is made entirely of wood. (easy re-tex)


Also, there is the Sodan equivalent which is a smaller, lighter and easier to carry staff weapon.




More images:





In Storage:



Trigger Control:




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Well, I had 30 spare minutes before I headed to home but quickly found that once I got to the "organic" part of the mesh, I need more organic skills to create such curves.


Another problem is missing the other two sides (Top and Front) which helps size the shape correctly. As it stands now, it is mostly guesswork unless more images of the SAME staff weapon can be obtained.


Here is what I came up with and where I stopped. I don't know if I will continue this further though since I'd have to beef up on the organic techniques. If I just try to hack at it, I will end up pushing verts around individually which will take forever to complete. ;)





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To be fair to the other authors, I believe the game they designed it for has a lot less room for high-res models...whereas Oblivion can have fantastically high-poly weapons as long as they are unique (and not every guard / bandit carrying one around).


Although, the model so far is fairly low-poly but I think the poly count will at least triple just in the back-end. The current count is 3,000 verts, 3,200 quad faces. I got a little bit further with the rib-like area by adjusting a cylinder with many rings to fit the basic shape. To make it look really good, I believe I'd have to keep the low-poly version as the actual model and then create a very high-res mesh to sculpt away the rough edges to create a smooth normal map but I have yet to do that kind of organic work. I don't think it is hard, just need quite a bit of practice to make things work and look good.







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Almost forgot about this model but then I got an idea on how to create the base which turned out to work fairly well. Looking much closer to what I'd like to see.









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I am primarily going off this schematic:




To get more of the 3D feel, I am also referencing this movie-signed staff:




For other angles, I've also been looking at this on-set collection:




The Left/Right side view is just about spot-on in terms of "staying-in-the-lines" but that is the only direct reference I have to measure in Blender (no top or front views of the same model)


The underside of the base does seem to look more concave and I'll address that as I continue. I didn't think I'd get this far actually. :D


EDIT #1: Whoops. I should have paid more attention to the reference image above. I started to use my imagination and made the shape of the base in the form of a serpent guard helmet...thinking that's how it otta look. But nope, instead of a triangle shape, it is actually oval. Well, I like to see the plus side of mistakes and this can be a special version used by the elite. ;) I'll make another base that is more oval for the standard staff weapon.




EDIT #2: I've made a few more refinements and finalized the trigger component, the guard, energy reservoir and the acceleration capacitor casing.






EDIT #3: I am looking for the correct size and it seems to be somewhat of a mystery. The MGM DVD says 2M which is about 6.6 feet tall but replica makers are selling them at almost 9 feet tall. From the scenes I witnessed on youtube from the series, it seems that they are about one head length taller than an average-sized man. So it seems that 6.6 feet is about the correct size and that is what I'll go with...80 inches seems like a nice oval number (1,420 BU).



EDIT #4: Here is the weapon in-game (although it does not yet have textures)







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