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Playing Mass Effect 2 for pc, also Zelda twilight Princess for GC if i am not in the mood for the pc type game, also occasionally play borderlands once in awhile to for ps3.


Variety helps :thumbsup:

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right now i am playing Eternal Darkness for the gamecube, its insane literally :thumbsup: .


rated 9.6 out of 10


Ahead of its time, release date June 21, 2002





warning not a game for the faint of hart though, if your not a fan of the horror type games like Resident evil turn away now.


Note this game is extremely rare, i had to get on ebay, last resort.

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Going to likely play some Planetside. I stopped playing 3 years ago but I decided to switch back after I got bored with WoW. Lately I've been playing Planetside, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Morrowind, Lemmings, and Warcraft 3.
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