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Depends on my mood but I started to replay CODMW2, ranking up to 70 slowly. I'm at 52 now. The game freezes a lot, every hour or so. If I want to game after that I'll play Oblivion or Command&Conquer3. Oblivion freezes a ton too, and CTDs, even if it's vanilla but Oblivion isn't worth playing unmodded imo. I played BadCompany2 and maxed out my fav character, the medic, so I don't see the point of playing anymore really...all I want left is the .50 sniper but I'm way away from unlocking that.


If it counts, what I've been "playing" the most with is Maya modeling program. Churned out a ton of models today, probably do the same tomorrow after classes.

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Currently playing starfox adventures on the wii-gc. This was considered to be one of the best rpg's ever created, other then zelda it was also rated higher then twilight princess. Not to mention the best looking game for the gc.





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Tombraider underworld


You are the only person I have come across to actually like those games enough to mention them besides me.:biggrin: I bought it but never played it... I am thinking though after reading your post it might be a good idea for me to replay the others first as I don't remember what they were about.



@Unavi: Are those the little monsters in your avatar? I really miss that show.


hehe...Tomb Raider was my game back in the late 90s....every time a new one came out, I had it :smile: I always used to hate how people would make fun of me for playing it because I'm a girl and Lara is a girl and blah blah you know lol. She was my hero :smile: Finding artifacts and risking life and limb, yeah haha. Too bad the movies were kinda lame


It's a good game...pretty hard at some points too....but I'd play Tomb Raider Legend before Underworld because the stories go together. Legend was pretty short, it's got lots of action in it though. Underworld is great with all the new moves and the graphics are just stunning.


Playing Tomb Raider Anniversary over again because it's so awesome :biggrin: I was so happy...the first game I ever got on the Playstation remade :smile:

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