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Gave up on NwN some time ago, though I can't quite remember why! :unsure:


Probably because it stunk so bad that my dog threw up as soon as I finished installing it.

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Guess you won't be interested in the tasy-looking new sequel Stampede :P


I'm currently subjugated the Illyrians in Rome: Total Realism mod for RTW. I have plans to expand into Thrace and mayeb Macedon, thanks to a strong naval blockade keeping Carthage well and truly bankrupt :D Arm-chair generalling is fun 8)

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Guess you won't be interested in the tasy-looking new sequel Stampede :P


I'm currently subjugated the Illyrians in Rome: Total Realism mod for RTW. I have plans to expand into Thrace and mayeb Macedon, thanks to a strong naval blockade keeping Carthage well and truly bankrupt :D Arm-chair generalling is fun 8)


I might, to be honest, I hardly play games anymore (too busy with illustration) but I will definitely check out some info about it. The premise behind the original NWN was great, until the split between Bioware and Black Isle.

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"Gun" is actually quite good fun so far. And I just uninstalled NwN to make space on my hard drive, which can't be a good sign! :unsure: Kept all my savegames just in case, though!


I was tempted to buy the sequel the other day for €12, in the hope that it would be better, but I can't help thinking that Shadows of Amn is more worthwhile. The frustration of not having complete control over all the PCs is just too much! NwN was such a god idea, as Stampede says, but just doesn't do it for me like BG did. Even so, NwN is not as bad as Peregrine says - I still think the Final Fantasy series is much worse!


I hardly play games anymore


I too have been slacking recently. I just hope that it is a passing phase - not old age getting the better of me! :(

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Karkarinus, Your Itsy-bitsy userbar sig thing is the friend of forum peoples everywhere!


Anyway, since Oblivion refuses to play on my PC anymore and my Morrowind CD got EATEN by it, I've decided to stop resisting the temptations and I'm going to reactivate my EVE account.





So there.

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Do you know Oblivion wont work on your PC?

Just picked up Dawn of War and the exspansion pack.It is preety coll.Empire Earth is still the best RTS game ive played.

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  • 3 months later...

Lol, Titan, habbo sucks ;P


CP: Predator; Concrete Jungle.


sooo many ways to kill people :3

friad its for xbox only though folks. if not a bit tricky to get the hang of when you first start, can be supremely fun

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Meh right now i'm in between games :)


Bought Civ4 bout august time, and have been playin that on and off, and if anyone wants to know, it is a pretty damn good game. Was playin Oblivion up until then, which i completed, and before that it was mostly Morrowind.


However, during playing these games i have picked up quite a few other games at not to unreasonable prices, such as Rise of Nations Rise of Legends which is kind of a cross between risk and age of empire (thats a crap explanation sorry), BF2 - no explanation needed :) , SimCity4 with the add-on, and ann amazing pack which i picked up from pc world brand new which had, get this, Hitman (the newest one) Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Splinter CCell Pandorra Tomorrow, some Toca race driver 2, FAR CRY which is deffo worth a look and deus ex invisible war which is also worth a look.


Im currently in the market for Diablo 2 + expansion, so if anyone can help me with where to get it cheap...



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