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Lord Of The Rings Films!


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Just want to know what is your opinion on Peter Jackson´s Triology.

And also what´s your favourite scene and lotr movie? :D

I just love the scene in the second movie were Gandalf and The flame of Undûn (Balrog)

Fight while falling to the deepest parts of Khazad-Dûm.

IMO the third movie is going to be the best of the three.

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I was not at all impressed with the changes to the storyline in the second part, and Gimli's comic role was annoying, to say the least. And Faramir was not at all like he was portrayed in the books, I thought.


Also, I made the mistake of reading a parody of the second movie just before going to see it at the cinema, so I was laughing at all the wrong times :lol:



I did like the sets in the first movie - Moria was fantastic, especially the bits with the orcs swarming along the pillars - and I thought the Uruk-Hai were well done.

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I liked khazad-Dûm too, but the orcs looked a bit "rotten"

And that part about them swarming the pillars...... well, orcs aren´t spiders... I think :huh: and Tolkien doesn´t refer to that "ability"

Gimli's comic role was annoying

Yes, that made people who didn´t read the books think that dwarves are stupid and clumsy! :(

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ive only seen the first film TBH, i was too lazy to go and see the second at the cinema, i'll get it as soon as its out on DVD tho :P


and ive only watched the first film once, cos its so darn long i can barely ever find a time when no1 else wants the tv for 4 and a half hours :blink:


neways, from what ive seen of the first film, its pretty darn good. i didnt read the books tho so i dont know how well it portrays it in that sense, all i read was the hobbit, i found the first lotr book boring (forests forests and more forests <_<) didnt try reading the second one cos i figured it'd be pointless without reading the first. its certainly the LONGEST film ive ever seen, and definately one of the best.


as for my fave scene in it, well it would probably have to be where the balrog chases em in those dwarven ruins. its such a cool demon :D i also found it funny how horribly inaccurate those orc archers were. aragorn just stood there looking back at where gandalf fell while arrows pinged off the walls near him :P

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I thought the second was the better of the two. Made me re-read the books and Switch is right the 1st one has loads of tramping through forests. Think so far it has been pretty good, the extended DVD version is the one to get it makes more sense with the extra bits in (like in the 1st one you see them wearing those cloaks and you go where did they just appear from).


Fav character has to be Gollum (sooo well done) or Gimli and Legolas (very cool and done right)


Fave scene is where they are on the battlements and Gimli goes "I've killed 2, Legolas, how many have you killed?" "19"


Love it an immortal line (later while on the lead up to the gate with Aragorn you can here him counting "78,79 etc)


Ranks up there with "Don't worry little brother, there are some more" (See if you can work out the film)

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I have read all of the books in the trilogy, and I must say that I think that the film makers did a fine job at recreating the main messege of the story. Sure, some of the images aren't exactly as Tolkien wrote them, but the movies are a fine representation of it.


I very much enjoyed the second movie, as well as the first, but the second even more so. The Gollum, Sam, and Frodo scenes are remarkably well done, and very much deliver what Tolkien was trying to show.


So, favorite scene? The Fall of Boromir and the battle at Amon Hen. Terrific camera work for one thing, but also Boromirs dynamic change in emotion when he confronts Frodo was very well done, though some may say he over-acted. (this was also my favorite scene in the books, though you don't see Boromir fight in those...)


And that goes into my favorite character: Boromir. He is so dynamic in his character (both in the book and the movie), and I truly feel bad for him. I mean, he's not a bad guy -- actually he's pretty nice -- but he has been taken by the ring. It is sad to see him die in such a state, and I commend Tolkien for so vividly displaying such emotion (both in that scene and in others... especially in the final book).


Anyway, that's my take. Books get a 5 out of 5, the movies a 4.5 out of 5... :P

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  Pob said:
Ranks up there with "Don't worry little brother, there are some more" (See if you can work out the film)

that would be 13th warrior, pob.


as far as the movies go, i think they are excellently done, but they do tend to throw in too many differences from the books. i won't mention too many of the differences here, cuz i don't want to spoil it for anyone (switch, i highly recommend reading the books, they are excellent). in spite of all the differences, the movies are still some of my favorites. i will be purchasing the extended edition of two towers as soon as it comes out (the regular dvd comes out today int he us, can't say for england).



Yes, that made people who didn´t read the books think that dwarves are stupid and clumsy!
i don't think people really thought that, but i do think it was good to add a little humor to the movie. although, in hind sight it may have been too much. oh yeah, and i agree with you theta, i didn't like how they portrayed faramir either, totally different from the book.


as far as a favorite scene? the huge battle with the orcs is amazing, but i'm gonna wait till i see return of the king before i name any favorite scenes, cuz i know there's gonna be some cool battles it that one.

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I was one of those weirdos that stood in line for several days to get tickets for fotr and ttt. And im doing it again for rotk. :rolleyes:


The films are fair enough, but the books are much, much better.


Best scenes:

FOTR: Opening scene + Boromir's last battle

TTT: Gollum's conversation with himself


Worst and most hated scenes:

TTT: What the hell did they do to Faramir. :blink:


On a scale from 1 to 10. i'll give the movies a 7 on a good day.


To many changes to give it a higher point score, but i know you have to expect to get some changes in a movie adaption of a book.


Im looking forward to the last movie, and my costume is soon finished. Soo in a few months from now i will be camping outside the cinema in a Rohirrim costume. :D

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  tmons78 said:
(switch, i highly recommend reading the books, they are excellent).

sorry but i got tired of reading it after they started going thru their third forest :P

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I did read the books, but I agree with switch. Tolkien does like to go into a lot of,

...detail... I did like the part where Legolas and Gimli were counting their kills. That part was one of my favorites in the book. Gollums argument with himself was funny too. I wish they would make a hobbit movie though. all the ones made so far (i.e. the animated one) just plain sucked.

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