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Favorite Origin Story


Favorite Origin Story?  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose one:

    • Human Noble
    • Elf Commoner
    • Elf Dalish
    • Dwarf Casteless
    • Dwarf Noble
    • Mage

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I've browsed several forums across the internet for their opinions on the favorite origin stories. What are your opinions?


My favorite was the dwarf commoner beginning. You truly started from the lowest of the low, "casteless" in a casteless society. Only in the dwarf commoner beginning do you

face off against the best fighters of the realm, in a literal stadium in front of the entire Dwarven kingdom.


It is of my opinion that only in the dwarf commoner origin that you truly prove your worth as a Grey Warden. Plus, the scene where

you take off your helmet, and the screen closes up no the helmet, followed by a gradual panning out

was so, so dramatic. It enraptured me immediately, and that was just within the first 20 minutes of the game.


Man, that you could say

"I am casteless and yet I have defeated the best of you!" in front of all those arrogant pricks

was sooo satisfying. And only in this origin does Duncan really heartfelt support,


with his pivotal comments: "I beg of you, stop the guards! Didn't this man/woman defeat the best you could offer?" "this casteless man/woman has no place here" "except, as your champion." And then he walks away. Ohhhhhh that was so orgasmic




Truly, the dwarf commoner origin was such a masterpiece. It really set the tone for how great the game would unfold.



Man, if only the other origin stories were even half as good.

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Moving this thread to the Spoiler forum so you don't need to use spoiler tags.


I've only done the Dwarf Noble and Mage origins but of the two the dwarf one was far and away the best one. Sadly PC Gamer ruined the Dwarf Noble origin start for me, though, so I knew I was going to get shafted.

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To be honest I didn't really have any intention on rolling a dwarf... I never liked the little farts :P But after hearing your input on it I'm going to have to try it.

I have only fully completed human noble and about half way through with mage. I enjoyed human noble as I think that's really more of the main type kind of character. No doubt it's a repetitive story about having everything getting taken away and getting revenge kind of thing. Plus its the only story where you can end up becoming king (or at least close to being king)

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i have played the dwarf nobel, the dalish elf and the mage origin storys and i've seen my brother do the human nobel and i have to say the dwarf nobel is the best. It is the only one where i didn't feel that my character was "forced" into the grey wardens.
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To be honest I didn't really have any intention on rolling a dwarf... I never liked the little farts

These are my exact sentiments. I can't stand dwarves or the fact that they appear to be nothing more than "squished" models of humans in DAO.



Sigh. I'm unhappy to say that I agree with this. Their arms are abnormally long... like a monkey's. Their facial structure isn't too bad, but the arms make them look like a chimpanzee. :(



I play dwarf because of the story reasons, not for their looks. I'd edit their appearance in the save file if it didn't screw up the face I had built...

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I've played all origins except dwarf. I really hate dwarfs. I'd prefer them to be cut from the game completely in favour of more post landsmeet story. I really don't care about their city or who should be their king and I hate that they have such a long drawn out quest to get them to aid you. Human Noble makes me sad and I find city elf really upsetting to me. Dalish is nice because I like their culture and the forest. Mage is my favourite but I really wish Jowan could become a companion later.
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