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Someguy2000 is back to checking up on the nexus. If people are patient I sure it will be finished.


For anyone who hasn't made a large mod or been part of the modding team managing voice acting can be the most stressful part. Voice actors tend to be unreliable and often unresponsive and it can be annoying to recast. It is not something for the faint of heart and can be something difficult to get into. If you wait at some point someguy will get back into the correct frame of mind and will finish this.


Just stop with the impatient and immature comments since they really don't help anything and can in cases make things worse.

A guy ( I suspect beta tester or voice actor said that this mod was ready since August and only some bugs needed fixing so what you are saying is false . He propably dissbanded the mod and I seriously can not blame him . His mods propably took soo much time he got bored . I Imagine Bounties II alone could even take more than 300 hours ...

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Someguy2000 is back to checking up on the nexus. If people are patient I sure it will be finished.


For anyone who hasn't made a large mod or been part of the modding team managing voice acting can be the most stressful part. Voice actors tend to be unreliable and often unresponsive and it can be annoying to recast. It is not something for the faint of heart and can be something difficult to get into. If you wait at some point someguy will get back into the correct frame of mind and will finish this.


Just stop with the impatient and immature comments since they really don't help anything and can in cases make things worse.

A guy ( I suspect beta tester or voice actor said that this mod was ready since August and only some bugs needed fixing so what you are saying is false . He propably dissbanded the mod and I seriously can not blame him . His mods propably took soo much time he got bored . I Imagine Bounties II alone could even take more than 300 hours ...


It was ready except from some minor bugs and voice acting (the tester was asked "other than voice acting was it complete?"). It actually has less content than bounties 2 from what I can gather.

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You all whine too much. "Oh someguy is taking too long. Oh bethesda sucks at making games even though they all receive game of the year. Oh whine.. Oh people don't like consequences which is why they liked Fallout 3 better." Can you name one consequence in Fallout New Vegas? One? I've played it extensively, yes. "Oh bethesda is marketing it for Minecraft because they added settlement building, a feature that millions of true fans have requested for years." No matter what someone does, you guys will always find a way to complain about something. Tell me, did the creator of wasteland defense market that mod for Minecraft players, or Fallout fans? Or what about RTS? Was that marketed for Minecraft?


All in all, I will enjoy Fallout 4 extensively, and when someguy2000 releases NVB3, I will enjoy that too. I'll be happy to know that you guys wasted so much time waiting for something because it took too long, has settlement building, or has a voiced character. I hear Call of Duty takes a year to make and no settlement building. Maybe you could try that?


Honestly I love Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3. There are things both games do better than the other, but to say that "oh bethesda sucks at making games because the world wasn't as rebuilt" or "oh bethesda games don't have consequences" is ridiculous. You do remember the nuclear bomb in Megaton, right? The one that you could detonate? And the citadel which could be nuked from orbit? Aside from that, I feel the unrebuilt worldspace in Fallout 3 is justified to an extent. It's the former capital of America. The GECK hadn't been released yet. (which remember, THE GECK WAS RELEASED ON THE WEST COAST.) If you think that the world would be on the path towards civilization 200 years after undergoing the most catastrophic event that could possibly happen (and one people could survive), without the help of the GECK, you don't understand radiation and nuclear war at all.


Rant over.

From the top of my head.


The Boone quest. If you dont put the time and effort into it or just want to be a dick an innocent person dies. So there you go.


Choice and consequest.

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Someguy2000 is back to checking up on the nexus. If people are patient I sure it will be finished.


For anyone who hasn't made a large mod or been part of the modding team managing voice acting can be the most stressful part. Voice actors tend to be unreliable and often unresponsive and it can be annoying to recast. It is not something for the faint of heart and can be something difficult to get into. If you wait at some point someguy will get back into the correct frame of mind and will finish this.


Just stop with the impatient and immature comments since they really don't help anything and can in cases make things worse.

A guy ( I suspect beta tester or voice actor said that this mod was ready since August and only some bugs needed fixing so what you are saying is false . He propably dissbanded the mod and I seriously can not blame him . His mods propably took soo much time he got bored . I Imagine Bounties II alone could even take more than 300 hours ...


It was ready except from some minor bugs and voice acting (the tester was asked "other than voice acting was it complete?"). It actually has less content than bounties 2 from what I can gather.


It would be strange if It did not ... Bounties II had soo many bounties already ..

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You all whine too much. "Oh someguy is taking too long. Oh bethesda sucks at making games even though they all receive game of the year. Oh whine.. Oh people don't like consequences which is why they liked Fallout 3 better." Can you name one consequence in Fallout New Vegas? One? I've played it extensively, yes. "Oh bethesda is marketing it for Minecraft because they added settlement building, a feature that millions of true fans have requested for years." No matter what someone does, you guys will always find a way to complain about something. Tell me, did the creator of wasteland defense market that mod for Minecraft players, or Fallout fans? Or what about RTS? Was that marketed for Minecraft?


All in all, I will enjoy Fallout 4 extensively, and when someguy2000 releases NVB3, I will enjoy that too. I'll be happy to know that you guys wasted so much time waiting for something because it took too long, has settlement building, or has a voiced character. I hear Call of Duty takes a year to make and no settlement building. Maybe you could try that?


Honestly I love Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3. There are things both games do better than the other, but to say that "oh bethesda sucks at making games because the world wasn't as rebuilt" or "oh bethesda games don't have consequences" is ridiculous. You do remember the nuclear bomb in Megaton, right? The one that you could detonate? And the citadel which could be nuked from orbit? Aside from that, I feel the unrebuilt worldspace in Fallout 3 is justified to an extent. It's the former capital of America. The GECK hadn't been released yet. (which remember, THE GECK WAS RELEASED ON THE WEST COAST.) If you think that the world would be on the path towards civilization 200 years after undergoing the most catastrophic event that could possibly happen (and one people could survive), without the help of the GECK, you don't understand radiation and nuclear war at all.


Rant over.

Mass Effect 3 received game of the year. Your argument is invalid. Also your choices in NV impacted the ending you get which is more then you can say for 3. In Fallout 3 it was nailed down too, Good Karma Ending, Bad Karma Ending and Neutral Ending.


Mass Effect 3 was a good game, like Fallout 3, which also recieved game of the year. My argument is still valid.


Like I said, Fallout 3 and New Vegas both did things better that the other didn't. Yes, you can argue that New Vegas had better factions, I'm not denying that, in fact I think you are mistaking me for someone who dislikes New Vegas. I love both games, Fallout 3 had a beautiful, destroyed landscape, while New Vegas had a dull landscape with abysmal level design in many areas. Though Fallout 3 did have what you said, flat factions. I'm not going to lie and say I love Fallout 3's combat over New Vegas, because it did lack. I think what did it for me though, was the level design. In Fallout 3, almost everywhere had a story and pretty everything had a purpose, with good level design. In New Vegas, a lot of places were just there with little to no backstory. Basically they were just fillers to make the world feel more cluttered. That, in my opinion, can really define whether or not you are immersed.


(Edit, and in response to peadar)

God, don't you hate when you are typing a response but you somehow go back a page and it deletes itself?


Anyway, before my computer inconveniently goofed up, I was basically saying this.


For me, I only was able to complete New Vegas once, in an NCR playthrough with my first character. And that was way back when I still played on the 360. Since then, I've tried and tried but I've never been able to complete it because it just gets boring and I usually stop caring just before Hoover Dam. Mainly because the other endings never really got stuck with me. Even with independent, I never liked the securitrons. In a game about player choice, I never felt like I had the option to do what I wanted to. I wish I was able to nuke all of the NCR, given the option, or the Legion.


New Vegas had tons of options, but none you really cared about because they couldn't really expanded on. I wish if I went with the NCR, I could have played a bigger role or joined them. I almost always felt like a mercenary to them, and the Legion.


They were options, yes, but I felt that they were shallow.


Basically, in Fallout 3 you could be the savior or destroyer. Not many options. But you could do so many things as that person, even if they were nailed down as good/evil/neutral. It was satisfying being able to basically destroy the Brotherhood, or the wasteland itself.


Even though I prefer New Vegas to 3 in pretty much every way, I will 100% agree that 3 had much better world design. While it was still pretty boring in large parts of the wastes, the DC ruins were always fun. Too much of NV was just desert. Still, looks like 4 will be a massive improvement in the area of diverse environments.

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I come on here to check news for Bounties 3 every now and then, and there are some people on here to take offense easily. When I was talking about not expecting the mod to come out, earlier, someone mistakenly took that as me being impatient. This mod is just a mod. A part of a long a really good series of mods that are pretty complete as is, though I would love see everything in the story through, the point is its not even canon to the overall story, and people take it way to seriously. Yes it is lore friendly, but its not lore. Should it be considered part of the overall Fallout story arch? Yes, but its not... If he gets around to finishing it, and that's a big IF, that would be great. But honestly, at this point, its something that we all should just let go, and move on. Hell, make your own damn mods, write your own damn stories. At least you now know what the standard is. Someguy set it. As far as Bounties 3... its just a mod, and Fallout 4 is around the corner.

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You guys ever see Master and Commander? Recall when they were forestalled at sea for days, due to lack of wind. The superstitious sailors became convinced that someone aboard the ship was a "Jonah" and that no wind would blow whilst this man was aboard the ship. Some, perhaps even most, believed the unpopular officer Hollum to be this Jonah. Their muttering and ostracism eventually drove the already emotionally wounded Hollum to suicide. He leapt overboard, clutching a cannonball. A funeral was obviously held, disturbingly it was during this ceremony that the wind returned.


Maybe one of us is a Jonah. Maybe one of us needs to die in order for Someguy to come back.


Or probably he's just disenfranchised with modding for the time being and all our doomsaying bulls*** is completely unnecessary, whose to say!

Edited by DrFreckles
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You guys ever see Master and Commander? Recall when they were forestalled at sea for days, due to lack of wind. The superstitious sailors became convinced that someone aboard the ship was a "Jonah" and that no wind would blow whilst this man was aboard the ship. Some, perhaps even most, believed the unpopular officer Hollum to be this Jonah. Their muttering and ostracism eventually drove the already emotionally wounded Hollum to suicide. He leapt overboard, clutching a cannonball. A funeral was obviously held, disturbingly it was during this ceremony that the wind returned.


Maybe one of us is a Jonah. Maybe one of us needs to die in order for Someguy to come back.


Or probably he's just disenfranchised with modding for the time being and all our doomsaying bulls*** is completely unnecessary, whose to say!

Interesting theory

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