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Guest deleted2159825

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Also a little idea for the bounties:you get the description and probable location of the target but

you can't just go shooting.You must verify its the man you need.

1:Talk to him and his neighbors.

2:Get into his room and search for clues

3:Try to steal something from him(may be some notes or documents)proving that this is your target.

4:(Alternative)Report the location of the man to NCR rangers for reputation and reward.(Job failed.And also your empoyment)

Because the bounty hunter's office won't have any more deals with you.

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Guest deleted2159825

I keep meaning to ask, which version of the script did you finally go with, dark, darker, or the lake of fire?

"Darker". After the mod has been released, I'll divulge what "Lake of Fire" entailed. I believe I'd be run out of the Nexus if I went with the latter, though I had other reasons for passing on it.



Also a little idea for the bounties:you get the description and probable location of the target but

you can't just go shooting.You must verify its the man you need.

1:Talk to him and his neighbors.

2:Get into his room and search for clues

3:Try to steal something from him(may be some notes or documents)proving that this is your target.

4:(Alternative)Report the location of the man to NCR rangers for reputation and reward.(Job failed.And also your empoyment)

Because the bounty hunter's office won't have any more deals with you.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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I'll admit I did a double-take when I saw this thread, I thought someone had bumped an old Bounties II thread or something. Read the FAQ, it all sounds great and I'm looking forward to Bounties III.

Curious about something though, before that dark day when you announced you were retiring from modding for the time being (I don't blame you as you deserved to take an exteneded break) someone had asked about Just a Courier and what your plans were for it. I think I remember seeing you state that you were going to incorporate Just a Courier into Bounties III. Are you still going to do that as a series of side-quests or simply scrap that idea? And what was Just a Courier going to be about anyways if you don't mind me asking?

Anyways best of luck on Bounties III, don't overwork yourself and take breaks when needed. Looking forward to a playing it alongside your other four mods. I definitely need to play New Vegas again with all your current mods loaded since they've been recently updated.

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Hey, just wondering, will Utah have stuff from the vanilla game in it? (factions, etc.) I remember Vulpes Inculta talking about Legate Lanius conquering a tribe in Utah, so maybe there could be some tribals/legionaries there? (Perhaps Glanton could have something to do with this?)

Edited by Jaasce
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Guest deleted2159825

Hey, just wondering, will Utah have stuff from the vanilla game in it? (factions, etc.) I remember Vulpes Inculta talking about Legate Lanius conquering a tribe in Utah, so maybe there could be some tribals/legionaries there? (Perhaps Glanton could have something to do with this?)

There are references to the 80's, but that's about it. The noticeable absence of tribals in and around Frosthill will be explained.

Edited by someguy2000
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Hey, just wondering, will Utah have stuff from the vanilla game in it? (factions, etc.) I remember Vulpes Inculta talking about Legate Lanius conquering a tribe in Utah, so maybe there could be some tribals/legionaries there? (Perhaps Glanton could have something to do with this?)

There are references to the 80's, but that's about it. The noticeable absence of tribals in and around Frosthill will be explained.


Alrighty, thanks. I'm going to assume it has something to do with



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Guest deleted2159825


Alrighty, thanks. I'm going to assume it has something to do with





Your assumption has merit.

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In NVB 1 during some bounty I met with Vuper Inculta's brother? who came to me for revenge LOL

Anyway great idea!!And three more guys who was someone else's relatives.Well I'm not good with names.

Killed them too.How many more relatives gonna come to me for revenge? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest deleted2159825

In NVB 1 during some bounty I met with Vuper Inculta's brother? who came to me for revenge LOL

Anyway great idea!!And three more guys who was someone else's relatives.Well I'm not good with names.

Killed them too.How many more relatives gonna come to me for revenge? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I can't recall, honestly. It only becomes more prevalant as you play my mods. I've always held that fame and success should be balanced with danger and/or fear of repurcussions. Even if he/she is ostensibly operating as a force for good, the Courier can't kill without consequences. People are seldom inclined to forgive and forget, particularly in the wasteland.


In fact, NVBIII carries this theme to new heights (or depths, hehe), for both the player and a certain antagonist. They've both killed so much and so many that they're quasi-legends, even if they're at disparate ends of the karmic spectrum (I know, I know - not necessarily). Regardless, they're still just mortal men (or women). Even if he/she survives, the Courier will probably not emerge physically and/or mentally unscathed. Hell, I'll put all my cards on the table - I believe Lonesome Road was a missed opportunity, as Ulysses proved to be little more than a long-winded bully, in my opinion. I never felt that the Courier truly suffered at his hands. Marko... will be different.


If I do make another FO:NV mod after NVBIII, it will probably be The Message. NVBIII will be the darkest plugin I've made, by far. It may well prove traumatic for some players, particularly if they're invested in roleplaying (as I am). I would like to follow such a grim chapter with something that's more introspective and morally gray, as The Message mostly certainly would be. If you're curious what The Message is about, just watch Shane... or Drive (more of the former, though).


Curious about something though, before that dark day when you announced you were retiring from modding for the time being (I don't blame you as you deserved to take an exteneded break) someone had asked about Just a Courier and what your plans were for it. I think I remember seeing you state that you were going to incorporate Just a Courier into Bounties III. Are you still going to do that as a series of side-quests or simply scrap that idea? And what was Just a Courier going to be about anyways if you don't mind me asking?

I had several scripts for both NVBIII and Just a Courier, and I ultimately elected to separate the two again when I moved forward with the project. I'm determined to keep the scope of the mod in check and focus on quality... and intensity. It will have a strong dose of the latter.


Just a Courier represents something I've always wanted to explore in an RPG - the fate of the player's character long after the pinnacle of his/her fame/power. It would be set 20 years after the Battle of Hoover Dam, with a long-retired Courier hired to deliver one last message to the other side of the country. It is largely inspired by Unforgiven and Old Man Logan. I don't want to get people's hopes up, though - NVBIII really will wind down just about all of the remaining plot threads that I've weaved into other plugins, so it will be a nifty spot to conclude things. Furthermore, the potential to completely and utterly botch the lore and roleplaying is tremendous. Obsidian could make another spin-off, and the Courier could've ended up leading a very, very different life than what I had depicted. The technical requirements would be tremendous as well, as it would almost be a new game in itself.


I'm much more likely to make a mid-sized, "Wild Wasteland" mod like Groom Lake or Project Penectomy instead.


It's late, and I'm blathering more than Ulysses now. I'll shut up before I give away the entire plot. Thanks for the support, everyone!

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