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Comparing The Specs..


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I was on a gamefaqs message board, checking out the System Reqs for Oblivion. I meet every requirement, except the video card.


First question is this:


I know that even if a video card is not on the 'Supported Video Card/Chip Sets' list, i can still play it with the unsupported video card, but i won't get support for it, that's what 'Supported Video Cards' mean, i heard. So, my question would be this. I was checking out a Geforce FX 5500.. I talked to two friends of mine, both computer builders. The first one, said that it could work. the second one said, it might work, with the lowest settings.. the third friend i talked to, said it should work, even though i have an Intel 82865G Graphics chip.

So, what do you think? Will Oblivion on this video chip? I mean, if it's like how Fable runs on my PC, White Grounds, and really dim subtitles, i will be very content, even if the scenes take 30mins to load..


The second thing:


I can play Morrowind perfectly. On a hunch, i double-checked the system reqs for Morrowind, and on Gamfaqs, it says that not every computer can play Morrowind. Hell, Intel wasn't even on the supported video card list, and the cards weren't all that different from Morrowinds Video requirements.


So, like the fool i am, i bought Oblivion.


The launch Screen came up, and i clicked Options. I set everything to low. I tried to run the game. On the top-left of the screen, was a launch box. after five seconds, an error message: "Oblivion has encountered an error and needs to close." Do you think this was it crashing, or is it just a virus?


So, i reset the options to default, and a new message came up:


"Video Card Unrecognized (or unsupported) Restoring Video Settings To Medium Quality"


This got my hopes up, thinking that the realm of Hades must have frozen over and i would be able to play.. i clicked Play, and then, i got that error message..


Wuold anyone have an suggestions? or should i just give this game away..If possible, i would like to play it at least for five minutes before i give it away or something.. just to try it out..

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The FX series of cards are not supported for Oblivion and, I'm 99% sure, won't work on Oblivion. They are poo and a great reason to go for ATi instead, where the realm of working games is a reality.
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that's not what supported means


in short: the list gives you the cards that WILL play oblivion...the graphics (low settings or high settings) depends on the version of the supported video card


such as black & white the first one lists Geforce 4...I have Geforce 4 440 MX and I can't seem to play it...it is either the videocard or just something else that I haven't narrowed down...then again it is a game I got cheap and not really bothered about


Morrowind: 32MB videocard is all that is required...I have 64MB so I will need to upgrade it when getting oblivion but will be going for a whole new PC by then


Oblivion: 128MB + possibly latest/recent (dating between 1-2 years) would work...personally I would go for the Geforce 6600 series or 6800 series


the Radeon 9250...hmmm probably not due to the supported videocards for the Radeon cards start at 9500 and X-series cards

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The FX series of cards are not supported for Oblivion and, I'm 99% sure, won't work on Oblivion. They are poo and a great reason to go for ATi instead, where the realm of working games is a reality.



* NVIDIA GeForce 7900 series

* NVIDIA GeForce 7800 series

* NVIDIA GeForce 7600 series

* NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series

* NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series

* NVIDIA GeForce 6200 series

* NVIDIA GeForce FX series


Then i am mislead.


I am trying to get the Mad Dog Dominator Geforce FX 5500 video card, made by NVIDIA. Here are the specs:


256 bit Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

AGP 8X (Backward compatible to AGP 4X and 2X)

270 MHz GPU Clock


128 MB of DDR Memory

1.1 Billion Texels/sec. Fill Rate

68 Million Vertices/sec. Through PURE Hardware T&L (Peak)

4 Pixels per Clock Cycle (Peak)

16 Textures / Pixel (Max in a single rendering pass)

CineFX Engine

Accuview AntiAliasing

Digital Video Interface (DVI) Connector

Flat Panel Display Resolutions up to 1600 x 1200

Maximum Display Resolution of 2048 x 1536 @ 75 Hz

TV-Out Resolution up to 1024 x 768

Full support for DirectX 9 and OpenGL 1.4

DirectX and S3TC Texture Compression


Please forgive my lack of computer knowledge, but i really don;t see how this wouldn't play Oblivion at least half-way decently..


Remember, i have an Intel 82865(G) Graphics Chip, so i have to upgrade..

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It runs ok on my 9600 pro - I have graphics on fairly low settings (which has the nice side effect of giving me gorgeous watercolour landscapes) and the game runs very smoothly in 800 x 600.



Apparently, Intel CAN play Oblivion.


I launched the game. It went to full screen black menu, minimized to the toolbar, set my PC in 800x600 screen mode temporarily, then the screen went black again, as if it were trying to launch then it crashes with the error message. This error, i found, is quite common, and i realize what the problem is.


A majority of us, were ripped off.


The Oblivion.exe file, the one you need to play the game, is corrupt.


We have tried contacting Customer Service at Bethesda, but to no avail.

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Just skip the entire FX series! They're the biggest atrocity since the MX series!


The Radeon 9600 should work.



I am aware, Robin, that the Geforce FX Series is blarney.. Unfortunately, i am a 21 year old Irish male, paying his own way through graduate school, paying for his own bills, his own home, every expense that a human adult has. Sadly, those take first priority.


If i didn't have all these expenses, i would have bought a better PC. But i guess me being ripped off by Dell (paying 1500 for a computer that was advertised on telly for 299.99 did warrent me a half-way decent computer apparently, lol.. or even a semi decent one..)


So, with me, my question.


Will a FX 5500 card work AT ALL? I don;t care how it runs, i just would like to know if it won't crash. Because this PC can play other games with barely a glitch -even Halo 2..


My computer's video card is sporratic and unpredictable.

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