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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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What do you think keeps those future farmers of Earth from going bonkers when the harvest season is over?


Target Practice.

Wow! For someone who is taking so many course's and studying so much you sure seem to have a lot of time to yap with me disabled body and others who are limited to 36 hour work weeks around the world.

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So why are you mad at me? I retired from Big Brown after 20 yrs, used the buy out money to open my own business and now I have my life stacked so I only have to work 6 months out of the year. You're obviously upset about something so I'll just leave you to stew in it.
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What do you think keeps those future farmers of Earth from going bonkers when the harvest season is over? Games will always be around.


Board Games, or Computer Games? Depending on how badly the Apocalypse is, computers may not exist. Crops may not even exist! Will it be bad enough to the point where there will be no time for games? I hope not.


Wow! For someone who is taking so many course's and studying so much you sure seem to have a lot of time to yap with me disabled body and others who are limited to 36 hour work weeks around the world.


Bad Idea. We all have methods of typing on keyboards wherever we go. I sometimes open my laptop in class, and post on this board. I also have opportunities at work to post a quick message here, and there. Internet is Global, my friend.

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<br>So why are you mad at me? I retired from Big Brown after 20 yrs, used the buy out money to open my own business and now I have my life stacked so I only have to work 6 months out of the year. You're obviously upset about something so I'll just leave you stew to in it.<br>
<br><br><br>Who's mad?! I just pointed out the not so clear fact you seemed to have a lot more free time on your hands as would someone who might be training all the time. Now that you have spoken up I see how you can afford the extra time.<br><br>I worked until I was not able and no longer can get passed the doctors glare. Before I started poking around into gaming, cause I got tired of loosing my money and not getting anything more out of it than tired I would not let up. I did the jobs people don't seem to know exist for the neighbors until the doctor's cried because I was making him look like a liar in the communities eyes. <br><br>
<br>Wow! For someone who is taking so many course's and studying so much you sure seem to have a lot of time to yap with me disabled body and others who are limited to 36 hour work weeks around the world.<br>
Bad Idea. We all have methods of typing on keyboards wherever we go. I sometimes open my laptop in class, and post on this board. I also have opportunities at work to post a quick message here, and there. Internet is Global, my friend.<br>
<br><br>Seems that the method to my madness still gets people to respond so I learn something important and new every day. And an occasional reminder of your offering there show that this is the 21st Century. Back when people of my era hoped with would have colonized the moon already and it seems some of my disappointment still finds its way into my posts.<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>I see my delirium is back.  The 3rd time is the charm...So long and may the future be what you expected, not something completely different.<br>
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Don't you think you are verging on the point of personal attack? If you do not like Kendo2's ideas then take them apart. It's a debate gentlemen, which by the way is supposed to be about 2012. Post apocalyptic survival is only an addendum to that debate. Some think that they will survive a breakdown of society, which has yet to be proven will happen.


I personally do not believe in end of the world prophesies, but do believe that being self sufficient will not go awry if I am wrong. Kendo2 believes that being prepared will not go amiss either, if he and I are wrong then it's only our time we are wasting. All civilizations have fallen at one point or another in the past, we don't need an external cosmic force to make that happen. Everyone sit back, relax maybe play an hour or two of Oblivion, have a drink if you are old enough. That at least is my plan for tonight, though with a good Cuban cigar thrown into the mix.........later.

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I like the prophesy based on a RODGER RAMJET storyline: all the refrigerator lights in the world will suddenly go out; nobody will be able to see whats in the refrigerator and we will all starve. :tongue:


On a more serious note, though some prophesies seem as real as the one above, prophesies comfort people because 'knowing' that the world will end is easier to handle than the 'unknown' for many people. There is a psychological foundation to their existence that is surprisingly practical; it helps people deal with day to day pressures but removing some pressure from their minds. Having, apparently, solved the unknown, they can safely put it to one side and focus on other matters. :sweat:


Destructive profesies that are most likely are those natural catastrophies that have happened before, have been studied, like a meteor (that wiped out the dinosaurs), a super volcanoe erupting (like the one under Yellowstone Park) or even the flipping of the magnetic field so magnetic north becomes magnetic south and visa versa. :teehee:


As for the Mayan Calendar, it mostly likely ended at 2012 because no civilized Mayans were left to carry it on as a new cycle, to create it in carved stone. :yes: :no:

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2012 total doomsday will never going to happen. But I sense that a group will use 21-12-2012 for their own importance, they maybe even the ones who spread the rumour. And I believe that group is evil, so maybe not a total doomsday, but a little doomsday for us.


I can't explain more about my theory.

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"If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?"


*This is meant as a hypothesis and IS NOT how I think things will go down. There are plenty of holes in this scenario and that is intentional.


The Primary Kill: This is 'The Big One' and what starts our downward spiral. Just for the sake of argument I'll assume 10% of humanity is vaporized instantly. The major population centers that support our infrastructures are destroyed.


The Secondary Kill: This is where things really start getting bad. In the weeks that follow, those people who survived the Primary but are dependent on the infrastructure will die. People who need insulin, kidney dialysis, blood pressure medicine and so on will be cut off. Those trapped in urban areas will not see the trains, trucks, and ships delivering the goods they are accustomed to. Food distribution will be in crisis and people will start scavenging and salvaging what they can to survive. Looting will become rampant and the police and military will be stretched thin and most likely be as hungry and desperate as anyone else. Rural areas not directly hit by 'The Big One' will fair better and seats of government will abandon urban areas to regroup there. Winter will once again become a killer as people freeze or starve to death. Diseases like cholera and dysentery already common now will be come widespread as treated water sources become scarce. Influenza and common infections will be come death sentences as there will be no inoculations or antibiotics. Assume another 20% of the world population dies in this period.


The Tertiary Kill: Those nations spared the Primary will see conditions similar to the world depression of the 1930's and there will be no out-pouring of humanitarian foreign aid, as resources will be too tight. These nations WILL mobilize their armed forces. In areas already volatile, conventional brush wars will erupt as solvent countries jockey for newly opened territories and resources or settle old grudges. This is probably the time when mothballed nuclear and biological weapons will be used. Eventually power vacuums will occur only to be filled by localized warlords and survivors will flock to them for protection. An age of neo-feudalism will begin. Within a 20 year span another 30% of the world's population will die as a result of the conflicts or the chaotic aftermath the conflicts cause.

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"If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?"


*This is meant as a hypothesis and IS NOT how I think things will go down. There are plenty of holes in this scenario and that is intentional.


The Primary Kill: This is 'The Big One' and what starts our downward spiral. Just for the sake of argument I'll assume 10% of humanity is vaporized instantly. The major population centers that support our infrastructures are destroyed.


The Secondary Kill: This is where things really start getting bad. In the weeks that follow, those people who survived the Primary but are dependent on the infrastructure will die. People who need insulin, kidney dialysis, blood pressure medicine and so on will be cut off. Those trapped in urban areas will not see the trains, trucks, and ships delivering the goods they are accustomed to. Food distribution will be in crisis and people will start scavenging and salvaging what they can to survive. Looting will become rampant and the police and military will be stretched thin and most likely be as hungry and desperate as anyone else. Rural areas not directly hit by 'The Big One' will fair better and seats of government will abandon urban areas to regroup there. Winter will once again become a killer as people freeze or starve to death. Diseases like cholera and dysentery already common now will be come widespread as treated water sources become scarce. Influenza and common infections will be come death sentences as there will be no inoculations or antibiotics. Assume another 20% of the world population dies in this period.


The Tertiary Kill: Those nations spared the Primary will see conditions similar to the world depression of the 1930's and there will be no out-pouring of humanitarian foreign aid, as resources will be too tight. These nations WILL mobilize their armed forces. In areas already volatile, conventional brush wars will erupt as solvent countries jockey for newly opened territories and resources or settle old grudges. This is probably the time when mothballed nuclear and biological weapons will be used. Eventually power vacuums will occur only to be filled by localized warlords and survivors will flock to them for protection. An age of neo-feudalism will begin. Within a 20 year span another 30% of the world's population will die as a result of the conflicts or the chaotic aftermath the conflicts cause.



Generally, it is a good and well thought out hypothesis.

Edited by Maharg67
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We now have the definitive winner of this thread, the ONLY analysis that treated the supposition seriously enough to create a detailed scenario and a triumvirate of linked causalities. Well done.

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