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Fallout new vegas


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I can't wait to get Fallout: New Vegas and I even have it preordered. I'm hoping they fix the many issues from Fallout 3 if they are using the same game engine. I did some research on the web and found some foolish mistakes made by Bethesda in Fallout 3.


1.) Fallout 3 Installer installs an older version on C++ Visual 2005 that appears to affect the way the vidcard driver communicates with the game.


2.) Fallout 3 Installer installs a Beta release of DOTNETFX3.0 (.NET Framework 3.0). For users of .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 or even SP2 (Service Pack of the Framework not the OS), upon restarting their system (when changes take place), their game will be quite unstable.

Users of .NET 3.5 or Vista should have even more random crashes.


3.) Fallout 3 Installer installs a non Plug’n Play DRM device manager (not driver but a manager) that doesn’t like any 3rd party codecs (ie K-Lite, WinAMP, etc) and will usually see a CTD when a Hardware codec comes online. This usually occurs when interactive audio (client controlled speech) initializes (ie baby walking to daddy).


4. Fallout 3 Installer installs SecuROM Root kit as well as 8 hidden non Plug’n play virtual drivers. Owners with more than one Optical drive or a sata drive may encounter random drive access issues. Also, Imaging software or any software that may use its own ASPI drive (ie NERO, Roxio, Daemon, ISO, etc.) will have one of the 8 virtual drivers causing the system to do a random CTD. Reason why clients using a cracked EXE don’t experience the same volume of CTD as those who bought the game. However, the SecuROM root kits are still on the system and active. Once the SecuROM is also purged from the system, 60% of the crashes disappear. Unfortunately, they must remain on the system in order to play the game as they are part of the EULA.


5.) Fallout 3 also has its own built in MP3 codec coupled to its DRM to protect MP3’s on the DVD (in game). Unfortunately, the codec was never tested fully with hardware decoders like those of an X-FI. This can be varied by the lack of a hardware audio switch in the game options.


6.) Fallout 3 has 14 memory leaks that we found. Most are small, but there are a few that are quite large. Some areas of the map, the memory counter just spins at over 100 MB/sec. Most memory leaks are around 5 to 10 MB/sec.


7.) Fallout 3 video graphics buffer needs to be adjustable in the options and an automatic cache purger installed for cards over 512 MBs as well as linked buffers from SLI and crossfire cards. I’ve seen areas where names on the screen start to disappear and all you see are “Input Text Here” instead of V.A.T.S. or range or etc. The cache doesn’t get dumped on some maps. Most games dump their cache when a map reload occurs. This can be noticed when fast reloads occurs from map changes. Most users will just see their graphics card run out of memory (CTD and stuttering).


8.) Most games were fault free with a basic XP Pro SP2 reload, and only Critical updates and latest stock drivers. Installed the game and played it error free for nearly 4 days. Upon a system restart, lots of errors showed up. This means that Fallout 3 significantly changes the operating system. Far beyond reasonable accounts as all you can do with the system in not to play MP3’s, watch movies, make a CD or DVD, or play other games.


Let's hope these mistakes will not be repeated in Fallout: New Vegas or we'll all be doomed to eternal frustration.

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You all seen the pre-purchase exclusive gifts, right? The armor, shotgun, and others? Turns out they're INGAME exclusive. But couldn't someone just, make a mod of it, rendering pre-purchase meaningless?
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The prostitution mods in Fallout 3 have nothing to do with Fallout 3, they're mainly just there so the kids who download them don't have to exit fallout and surf the internet when they need some time for themselves.


If they would actually be integrated and serve any purpose whatsoever other than stimulating your hormones I'd more than welcome the opportunity to play them, but until then it's fairly safe to say that they add nothing to the game itself.



My opinion said, I'll probably play with the hardcore mode on first and see if it's fun or just a hassle, before I decide what to do with it :P

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unfortunately fallout new vegas look like a bigger DLC +bugfix to fallout3 ... same engine and overall same system.


And looking at the trailers the textures are just as bad as vanilla fo3.


The Whole "lots of desert wasteland" aint that interesting, besides loads of sand... deserts are usually quite empty and boring. At least dc wastes had lots of big buildings, factories, houses, sewers etc to explore.

Exploring shacks in desert area is not fun -_-. So many will be done with mods anyway. they could have at least work more on gfx and the engine itself too. Dx10, pixel shader 4 etc. overall better textures. And ofc i hope animations are better - running animations, death an such were too weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as you may or may not know a new fallout is coming out later this year that willl send us to my favorite place in the whole world VEGAS!! only all the hookers cigars and black jack tables are way gone.


just thought i'd ask everyone what they were hoping for in a new fallout


I hope they add Tommy gun that is held by the fore grip.. Ohh boy that’d be cool


what do you hope for?

I hope you can have a chainsaw to tear super mutans apart

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unfortunately fallout new vegas look like a bigger DLC +bugfix to fallout3 ... same engine and overall same system.


And looking at the trailers the textures are just as bad as vanilla fo3.


The Whole "lots of desert wasteland" aint that interesting, besides loads of sand... deserts are usually quite empty and boring. At least dc wastes had lots of big buildings, factories, houses, sewers etc to explore.

Exploring shacks in desert area is not fun -_-. So many will be done with mods anyway. they could have at least work more on gfx and the engine itself too. Dx10, pixel shader 4 etc. overall better textures. And ofc i hope animations are better - running animations, death an such were too weird.



Meh. All that is just looks. I don't really care. (Also, I'm not too impressed with DX10 vs 9 anyway) Fun, make it fun. Make it interesting. That is what matters. Fallout 3 is fun and interesting. Hopefully New Vegas will be too.

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people will disagree with me, but anyway



1: the game is going to be an 18 anyway, why not add sex? (and prostitution- i wonder if rape could be added? imagine the controversy!)(no pedo though, that would have crossed the line, turned around to move the line higher and still be far on the other side)


2: hopefully fallout 3 models could be recycled. ranger armour was realy stylish. combat armour looked cool, was easy to maintain and offered decent pretection.


3: i think that insects crawling on walls would add lots of diversity to the game


4: bring back the enclave- buff their armour though. logicaly the enclave power armour would be much better than the t 51b (and the tesla armour should just laugh at everything, tesla armour should also be repairable with regular enclave power armour). the enclave should not be the no1 threat though


5: perhaps weapon skill levels could alter animations. noobs fire from the hip, while experts from the shoulder


6: instead of energy,small and big it would be more logical if we had pistol,rifle and heavy


8: vehicles are much needed. hovercars where everywhere in f3, but i couldent use any (include companion support- i want a big *ban* supper mutant with a gatling plasma gun liquidating anyone who comes near from the boot of my hover truck. (a veribird would be insane, i wouldn't mind ridding a bramin around either)


9: combat

-iron sites

-a sprint feature


-a cover feature

- varied enemys (most humans with little health, super mutants that dont take cover and arent very accurate, insects that can scale any terrain, vehicles, flying stuff,

-varied weapons (rocket launchers with tracking,heavy machineguns that can be deployed, under slung grenade launchers, stun guns etc)


10- better ai. this ones a given, but id also like my enemys to fall to the floor and beg for mercy, or grieve over a lost companion, or make mistakes in fear like jamming their weapons or suiciding)

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people will disagree with me, but anyway



1: the game is going to be an 18 anyway, why not add sex? (and prostitution- i wonder if rape could be added? imagine the controversy!)(no pedo though, that would have crossed the line, turned around to move the line higher and still be far on the other side)


2: hopefully fallout 3 models could be recycled. ranger armour was realy stylish. combat armour looked cool, was easy to maintain and offered decent pretection.


3: i think that insects crawling on walls would add lots of diversity to the game


4: bring back the enclave- buff their armour though. logicaly the enclave power armour would be much better than the t 51b (and the tesla armour should just laugh at everything, tesla armour should also be repairable with regular enclave power armour). the enclave should not be the no1 threat though


5: perhaps weapon skill levels could alter animations. noobs fire from the hip, while experts from the shoulder


6: instead of energy,small and big it would be more logical if we had pistol,rifle and heavy


8: vehicles are much needed. hovercars where everywhere in f3, but i couldent use any (include companion support- i want a big *ban* supper mutant with a gatling plasma gun liquidating anyone who comes near from the boot of my hover truck. (a veribird would be insane, i wouldn't mind ridding a bramin around either)


9: combat

-iron sites

-a sprint feature


-a cover feature

- varied enemys (most humans with little health, super mutants that dont take cover and arent very accurate, insects that can scale any terrain, vehicles, flying stuff,

-varied weapons (rocket launchers with tracking,heavy machineguns that can be deployed, under slung grenade launchers, stun guns etc)


10- better ai. this ones a given, but id also like my enemys to fall to the floor and beg for mercy, or grieve over a lost companion, or make mistakes in fear like jamming their weapons or suiciding)


I agree with all of that other than sex. I'm fifteen and i'm allowed to play any M rated game (Because my parents trust me) but even I don't agree with adding sex. There's a reason why they don't do that to games these days because believe it or not, it's unpopular in the long run. I don't really care if they would, but speaking in terms of good sales it isn't a good decision.

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