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Fallout new vegas


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Come on guys, do a little search before you post. 1950's Vegas wasn't a big gambling hive, it was a small gambling hive. It (probably) didn't have quick marriages, it didn't have Caesar's and lots of big casinos.


Ok, so I was one of those posters, so I took your advice and decided to check out the Las Vegas of the 1950's and I'm glad I did ... I can now see why Bethesda chose the city.




I'm really looking forward to the new game .... thanks !

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But here is something I want to see :


1. real hacking on terminals, use programs you load up from your pip-boy to circumvent various types of computer security... none of this mastermind crap.

2. Real gun mechanics... real trajectorys, ability to easily implement different guns, grips and animations (including ways to hold unique guns), geck was useless in customising this regard.

3. better walking animations (in all directions), more ways to use cover.

4. Better dialouge trees, backup stories to account for the sandbox nature of the game (if i kill a key NPC it should open more options and stories trees in the game not limit my options to nothing or just a casual line of text)

5. A lot more subways and utility tunnels to explore with a great deal more unique aspects to them.

5a. Various places from those in which I can claim for my own, but with the obvious expectation that continued defence of them is required to maintain ownership.

6. [snipped]

7. explain why cars blow up...i mean really.

8. more realistic deaths and non fatal dismemberment should not mean immediate death.





first: sorry airtonix for snipping most of your post, but you had too nice points to not quote them :)


In addition i hope for

  • a game that is moddable either with the current GECK (imo there`s a good chance for it because its the same engine, if i heard right) or a GECK that is usable and released with the game.
  • More animations regarding holding and reloading of guns, or at least open/unused slots that can be assigned in the geck for animations that can be made by modders (i know that can cause conflicts in compatibility, but it would still be an improvement and there aren`t that many people willing to to the not-so-simple work with new/altered animations)
  • FOOK x.x for New Vegas http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g025.gif
  • WMK or similar for New Vegas (best as a built in feature http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g025.gif )
  • more gun- and ammo-types from the start (no, i never can have enough of them and even if they only look different and have exact the same stats and mechanics (game-wise), its justified for me :) )
  • a easy method to lock items in place and not kicking them around by (accidentaly) walking into them (be it by removing the collision for locked objects or by really locking them into place). I hate it that i cannot decorate my racks and shelves properly ...

but that is really a wish-list with some rather slim-chance-to-come-true points, i know ;)

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6. no more stupidity like mothership zeta... (wtf was that even have to do with the fallout story?)

7. explain why cars blow up...i mean really.


The crashed alien ship in Fallout 3 is a nod to an event in Fallout 1 (and perhaps some alien appearance in the second game, too). Mothership Zeta takes the alien idea and runs with it (in true 50's style, of course!). The Fallout-verse isn't limited to just Raiders, Super Muties, Enclave, BoS and Vault Dwellers. :rolleyes: Some would argue there are other aspects that better deserve to be expanded on, but still, better than rehashing the same old, same old, right?


And cars asplode 'cus they're friggin nuclear in the Fallout-verse. :D


a easy method to lock items in place and not kicking them around by (accidentaly) walking into them


Oh hell yeah. That bugged me to no end on my first run. I collected a lot of stuff, and spent I donno how long fussing with it trying to arrange the weapons and armors neatly in my Megaton house. I'm sure I'll start collecting again on my new character too. Even with Blank's Magic Hand, it's a pain to arrange things. Maybe they could include (in the stock game!) some scripted display cases or something at the very least.

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Well....I seem to have missed this thread when posting the info about Fallout: New Vegas :blink:


Here they are :P


Oscuro working on Fallout: New Vegas


Fallout: New Vegas trailer!


Fallout: New Vegas Info!!!



Enjoy reading!



Cheers :thumbsup:



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I really, really hope they give bethesda´s voiced dialogues the finger. Sure it sounds nice and such, but it completely killed any attempt at having a good story with enough background information to make things believable in their last games.


Other than that, they better take a good look at what floats around in the mod/communities to see what kind of improvements people want to play the game with, especially if the engine is staying the same.

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I really, really hope they give bethesda´s voiced dialogues the finger. Sure it sounds nice and such, but it completely killed any attempt at having a good story with enough background information to make things believable in their last games.


Other than that, they better take a good look at what floats around in the mod/communities to see what kind of improvements people want to play the game with, especially if the engine is staying the same.


I don't think Fallout 3's voiced dialogues are that bad, at least they're better than Oblivion's. But I certainly agree with you about searching the mod communities to improve their game. If you're familiar with Oscura's Oblivion Overhaul, the mod maker of that is also working on this game so be ready to have a whole new experience in playing the game. His mod absolutely changed the feeling of Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

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I really, really hope they give bethesda´s voiced dialogues the finger. Sure it sounds nice and such, but it completely killed any attempt at having a good story with enough background information to make things believable in their last games.


Other than that, they better take a good look at what floats around in the mod/communities to see what kind of improvements people want to play the game with, especially if the engine is staying the same.


I don't think Fallout 3's voiced dialogues are that bad, at least they're better than Oblivion's. But I certainly agree with you about searching the mod communities to improve their game. If you're familiar with Oscura's Oblivion Overhaul, the mod maker of that is also working on this game so be ready to have a whole new experience in playing the game. His mod absolutely changed the feeling of Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

I've played Morrowind for years using all the Less Generic NPC mods, then tried out oblivion and almost went into cardiac arrest from the impotence of the dialogue :confused:

Fallout 3 is definitely an improvement from Tes4 in that relation, but I still wonder how much better it could've been if they didn't rely so heavily on having every letter spoken by a different voice artist just for the feeling.


I never played Oblivion enough to try out mods (think I had a 30 warrior and 40 battlemage, experienced in exploring and sidequests) but it had some serious issues in playability. Don't think I'll ever get around to it again properly, as that was when I did nothing else with my available time :P

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