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The ridiculously funny Sword names game


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The carving knife.  There is so many different kinds of carving knives you have to be careful when asking the blacksmith for one so they know what you intend to carve up with them.

Dinner carving knife.  Is that a big duck that Scrooge ordered, instead of a turkey being served for Xmas?  I wonder if I will need a big duck carving knife? I'll ask Tiny Tim.  Seeings how he's the smartest of the family because he had a lot of time to learn before Scrooge paid his Father enough wages to pay for the surgery??? 

Wood carving knife.   

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@Pagafyr - great one! 🙂

The Paper Knife! (aka the letter opener). When you come across an enemy, you hand them an envelope and the knife and then fall about with helpless laughter as they cut themselves with the knife, spear themselves with the staple holding the sheets of paper together, and then get nasty paper cuts from the letter itself. Don't forget to stock up with envelopes* and retrieve The Paper Knife from their blood-drained body...


*a mod will no doubt come soon to add suitable sellers in major cities in Tamriel...


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  • 1 month later...
On 2/20/2024 at 2:09 PM, Oblivionaddicted said:

The cultass that also cuts lads

rofl... brilliant...


I suppose one would have to add the scimitar which cuts Sims...

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1 hour ago, zixi said:

rofl... brilliant...


I suppose one would have to add the scimitar which cuts Sims...

Thanks, one could also add a scimitar that stresses the seams, nicely found by the way.


The saber that is not light and doesn't feature any light enchantment either.

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A short sword for killing short people... OK I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel there...


How about a safety knife that doesn't actually hurt anyone? You last 0.45 seconds in Morrowind... and probably 0.25 seconds in DF.

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"The Sword in The Stone" Sword aka as Arthur's Sword. It's blunt but you chuck the stone as well and it crushes all in its path.

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I meant the sword that used to have calibre but lost it... hence 'ex-calibre' . Presumably it lost its calibre by being shoved in a stone and thus got all blunted... Technically it may not be a sword at all...

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