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The ridiculously funny Sword names game


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Ex-calibre?! Dull?


I ban you for I hope you're not poking fun at a very important item! That's given men a reason to be proud!

The BBQ tool that goes with the giving and getting of their first the honorable BBQ Apron!  Which says on the front, "THE BBQ KING!"   

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Let me get this right... You deleted your account to find out what would happen?

And it was deleted...

When I was a child I touched the top of a cigarette lighter in a car (perhaps you're too young to remember what they were like). It was red and glowing and fascinating and I wanted to know what it was like. And yes, I burned the tip of my finger. I guess your deletion falls into the same category... 

Shouldn't you be banning me from the ban thread? Or do you think that actually it isn't really possible to be off topic in an off-topic thread?  It's all on a knife edge...

Anyway... maybe you're referring to the BB Cue Sword which doubles as a billiard cue... if you don't win at billiards you can also attack your enemy with this cue... and spear your BBQ items...


Thus back on topic... phew...


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13 hours ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

Touching the hot cigarette lighter must have been painful.

Yes, it was. I had a scar on the tip of my finger for years... but I still remember the fascination which I assume is what Pagafyr felt...

OK - how about The Extinguisher Sword which puts out any fire magic... 



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19 hours ago, zixi said:

Let me get this right... You deleted your account to find out what would happen?

And it was deleted...

When I was a child I touched the top of a cigarette lighter in a car (perhaps you're too young to remember what they were like). It was red and glowing and fascinating and I wanted to know what it was like. And yes, I burned the tip of my finger. I guess your deletion falls into the same category... 

Shouldn't you be banning me from the ban thread? Or do you think that actually it isn't really possible to be off topic in an off-topic thread?  It's all on a knife edge...

Anyway... maybe you're referring to the BB Cue Sword which doubles as a billiard cue... if you don't win at billiards you can also attack your enemy with this cue... and spear your BBQ items...


Thus back on topic... phew...



Did you learn what it was really for and try that too?  I found out what cigarettes, and such, are made of is what mattresses were made of too.  Funny how we sleep so well on a good mattress and some people smoke in bed too.

I tried all the ways to find out how to remove my entire number of posts, before I just copied and pasted them to Notepad.  Phew...

Deleting the account was a curious moment. You know; I got a shock and a good reason to read the Help section after the fact.  I think that's why Mom gave me her college book on Child Psychology 101 after she failed moderately to "learn me better".  

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No. I was just interested in how it glowed. I never trusted myself with those things in cars after that because I was afraid that the fascination had persisted.

Did the system warn you as to what would happen? I'm just curious. I was a usability engineer a long time ago and I'd expect any warnings like that to be a waste of time because basically once people have decided to act it's quite difficult to stop them.

27 minutes ago, Pagafyr said:

You know; I got a shock

Yes, there is that moment, isn't there, when the reality dawns and all the implications trot into your consciousness, bright and shining and you look for the 'last save' or the 'undo' and of course life doesn't have either of those...

It's interesting that your mother thought she'd failed. I think she succeeded extremely well...

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23 hours ago, zixi said:

No. I was just interested in how it glowed. I never trusted myself with those things in cars after that because I was afraid that the fascination had persisted.

Did the system warn you as to what would happen? I'm just curious. I was a usability engineer a long time ago and I'd expect any warnings like that to be a waste of time because basically once people have decided to act it's quite difficult to stop them.

Yes, there is that moment, isn't there, when the reality dawns and all the implications trot into your consciousness, bright and shining and you look for the 'last save' or the 'undo' and of course life doesn't have either of those...

It's interesting that your mother thought she'd failed. I think she succeeded extremely well...

I am sure my Mom did raise me well...  We didn't have a phone book as thick as the New York City one in Montana.  So Child Psychology 101 book raised me up when I was too big for the high chair and yet not able to reach out over the tables top... 😉

Your kind thought will likely give her soul a good feeling whereever she is now adventuring. May she enjoy or just R. I. P.. Maybe souls still have even more special days for their goodness in the Afterlife?

Here's a thought? 

I wonder if that metal thingy we stick in the engine to check the oil is sword of sorts?

It's wobbly like a fencing Foil sword. 

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It's a dipstick isn't it? it'd be a Dipstick Sword - slips in and out and checks your oil level at the same time... It makes a clean wound on your enemies and they probably don't notice that they're dead for a few minutes...

There's also the Lipstick Sword which is small, fits in your pocket and isn't much use at all except on Lilliputians... 

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