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What did you think when you played oblivion for the first time


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First time i played it way back in the day (like a week ago) i figured it would be hell on my computer fx card because i own fallout 3 and couldnt even do anything in the game once i left V101 because my fx card blows. Anyways i load the game up and play it and start doing the jail dungeon but not with hopes up as i know this is a low graphic area made for tutorial.. but when i reached the world map,didnt lag and actually was able to run around..i freaked.. i was happy as hell and angry at the same time.. happy that i could play this awesome game.. and angry because ive known about oblivion for years but passed on it because i figured it wouldn't run on my laptop..


Ive made 3 chars so far. 2 for cuirosity and one for main roleplay and so far (on my main) i've probally put in 14 hours of gameplay and haven't even gone to weynon priory yet..decided to download a couple mods and advance up the dark brotherhood ladder, starwars sith style. I love this game..just wish i had bought it at a way earlier time..

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I figured it will be like Morrowind, confused at first because there is so much to do yet I don't know anything and I was right. After I got out from the prison, I run around getting quest, getting lost, and got killed in the process. Kinda pissed off after several deaths without knowing what to do, I ... uhm, let Oblivion slip by for a few weeks.

Then I return to Oblivion after reading some guides, tips and tricks. After a while, finally I got addicted to Oblivion just like Morrowind.

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My initial impression was amazement at how gorgeous it all looked. When I left the sewers, it was night time on a clear sky, so I spent a few minutes just staring up. I then wandered the land and was astonished by the landscape. This lasted about an hour, before I started finding things that were just wrong (eg you could eat, drink and sleep, but did not need to; the cities and roads had too few people). I started my second Oblivion gaming session after installing a handful of mods, but found more `gaps' and installed more. After a week of installing/uninstalling mods, I felt it was pretty close to spot-on ;)
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Yes I love putting in long hours on Oblivion. My current character has about twenty hours on him. He is apart of the Legion and everything. I joined the 1st Akotosh Regiment at Fort Akatosh ( a mod called Fort Akostosh Redux.) and it is epic. That is something that I have always wanted to do. And my longest character that I played was 125 hours long. Then my save got courrupted and I was so pissed off about it. So much time and work put into that character and then to just die with something stupid like that.
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My first time...I can't remember because I was so into this new world...but I did remember something...I just exited the sewers and I looked at the sky and thought....this is AMAZING!!!....It's like the sky in real life...I was astonished by the beauty of the sky...Another thing I remember....I just finished the main quest...and afterwards I wandered aimlessly,i started doing the other quests like Fighters Guild,Mages Guild...and simply blew me away...I was thinking ...man,this game is endless...so much opportunities...and from that day i played and replayed and replayed Oblivion...Best Game Forever!
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I was amazed at it's depth. Every door was there to be opened. Every location open for exploration. A true adventure game. Because everywhere is adventurable. It was amazing. I was astounded by the sheer amount of work that must have gone into it. All the work had payed off. So many locations. So much to do. How easy it was to grasp. How you built how the game played. The level of control you have over your character. Simple differentiations of clothing. The game is modelled to suit your needs.
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When I first played Oblivion I was like "Oh my god this is the most amazing game ever..." me and my friend would sit there for HOURS playing it. We made heaps of characters and all, palying through different aspects of gameplay (though I preferred Archers and Warriors). I first played it on the PS3 but I recnetly got it on PC, the GOTY edition and I love it so much. The mods, especially HGEC And some of the Armor mods just really make it heaps more amazing. I truly hope they make an ES 5, maybe even take inspiration from some of the mods I've seen. Especially the character design mods (or body replacers). To be honest, I've toyed with the idea of a body replacer based on Tyris Flare from Golden Axe: Beast Rider recently... XD mite be cool. But yeah, truly amazing game, even now.
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