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How many have you started?


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Well I see many people seem very attached to their FO3 player while I must have played 20 or more characters from scratch (or at least the vault entrance where you can change everything). Do you only have one character who is like a god at lvl 30 or higher or do like to play as a underdog kid just trying to survive? I tend to get bored around level 16-18 using vanilla rules, just get to powerful.
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I think you mean characters, player only one.


Well, there was 3, none of them got the whole game done yet...

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I had a high karma nerd character one time(his tag skills were medicine, science, and speech), unfortunately he was killed by a crashed hard drive. Several months later, I reinstalled FO3 and played a low karma "thief", who started with a charisma of 5, but high agility and intelligence. She eventually boosted her intelligence to 10, and now gets 23 tag points per level. Unfortunately, she didn't find the int bobble head until level 16, meaning she missed out on about 50 tag points.
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I've only started two.


The first one went through many, many changes and many mods. The second one is Blaze, depicted below. They're both shown in the "Who is your Fallout 3 character?" thread...somewhere.

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I am surprised that no one has made molotov cocktails


acctually there is.. Classic Fallout Weapons Mod...and they work pretty damn good.


My main char is level 41, with almost 160 hours..

I recently started a real evil MF'er that is level 12.


so 2 main chars on my main gaming pc


on my testing pc i got 4 different chars who use different guns..small, energy, big, melee to test out different weapon mods and such.



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