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Virus scan reports now visible on file pages, more security incoming


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The hackers, and some within our own Nexus, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Nexus into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. As last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures.


The hackers hoped to unleash their destructive power against the Nexus by hacking the staff account of Nexus and usurping control of the Nexus file system. But the aims of the would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by those without elitist, dangerous powers. Our loyal staff members contained the insurrection within the Nexus database and quelled uprisings on a thousand servers.


The remaining hackers will be hunted down and defeated. Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test.

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In response to post #16794224. #16796209, #16804599 are all replies on the same post.


May I suggest you change the popup message to state that the virus scan takes a few minutes all the way up to several hours. I don't mind the virus scan at all, I do dislike the message telling me all should be clear in a few minutes, whilst I have now been waiting more than 2 hours. Changing it to "This may take a while" would suffice for me. Edited by SjoertJansen
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First let me say, that i´m not an english native speaker and do not understand everythink people say to me...


The Idea with the scan is genius - but do not work for me!

I try to re-upload my Screensaver-Files to check them for Viruses, too. But everytime i got this Message:

Service Unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

After i try 4 times (2-4 Hours a Upload...) im realy unamused!


Virus Total say: max 64MB sized check. My files more then 200MB and i see, that other users have Files like 2 Gigs and these files where Viruschecked?

Whats my fault?

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The virus scan is stalled and new files are not available for downloading. I realize this is well intended, but virus scans on the server side are a waste of resources. Everyone should have an antivirus solution on their PC, and it is foolish to trust the site you are downloading from anyway.
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In response to post #16870169.

+1 This is just even more problematic than actual viruses lol.
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Adding my voice to the chorus. I've been waiting 3+ hours for several mods to finish the virus scan.


I appreciate & support the objective to improve security for the user base, but reliability and availability shouldn't be sacrificed this much.


If you were told by the provider of this virus scan service that files should be available in 10-15 minutes, then they either grossly misrepresented their service, or didn't adequately analyse your requirements.


Bottom line, someone didn't do their job.


I'm sure you're already pulling your hair out trying to resolve this. But I would suggest rolling back the virus scan until the issues can be properly addressed.



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