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GTA:IV, console or PS3?


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Greetings posters,


I am thinking of Purchasing a PS3 next month, in order to play some of the Sony franchises that have come out. I know that PC games can be modded, and sometimes have console commands. However, I have purchased PC ports of console games, and was oftentimes disappointed in what seemed like superior performance. The last console game I have played( Excluding my PSP), was Final Fantasy XII for the PS2. I have yet to so much as touch any of the next-gen consoles(excluding the times I've spent playing Mario Kart at Gamestop).


I therefore have the following questions to ask:


1.) When given a choice between a PC and a console version of a game, what are the advantages of either one( Aside from Obvious answers, such as console games don't have to boot up, or PC games are more moddable and have a keyboard), and disadvantages of either platform?


2.) Which model of the PS3 should I get? They seem to release new models all the time.


3.) How do I get a girl to like me, even though I spend all my time surfing the internet and playing games?



Thanks in advance,



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I have had a PS3 since the day it came out. It's a great, reliable console with amazing hardware. It also boasts a number of great RPGs, if that's your thing.


A PC. It's all dependent on your system. If you have a crappy system (like me) you'll never get the newest games running. That's why I play my PS3 more.




It depends, if you have a crappy system, just get a PS3. Doesn't matter if the games moddable, it'll still play bad. If, on the other hand, your computer is a gaming supercomputer, then get it on PC.


Also, get the biggest harddrive you can in a slim PS3 if that's what you choose.


And the answer to the third question is... Get out more? :P

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Actually it may be a localized issue, a nation wide issue here on Brazil that a game for console costs at least the double the same title for PC. That would dilute in no time any investment I do toward having a good enough computer to run any game I like and which does nice others things than just gaming...
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@ #3)


get the pc version, start modding, become more famous than a rockstar and the groupies will haunt you for the rest of your natural life... you wont even know where they come from, but eventually youll wake up one morning and say "damn, where the heck did all these boobies come from" just right beofre you get distracted from that thought by one hot brunette nibbling on various body parts of you...


seriously... that poo works...

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Mods alone make the PC version superior if your PC is up to it, the PS3 is good but it's still a console and as such very limited. There's a mod that fixes the "shopping trolley" handling that is a must have along with some great cosmetic add ons.
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Ah the PS3.... Most expensive paperweight i've ever bought. It broke within the first 3 days of buying it, Needless to say, it is better to fork out a couple hundred more over a system that is good n reliable hint hint PC & has games that play better, look better & are better in general. Sorry for the poor construction of my english, its been a long day.
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If given a choice between a console version of a game and the PC version, I usually get the PC version. I'm more comfortable with a mouse/keyboard (comes from playing so many PC games in the 90's, I suppose), modding capabilities, and generally better graphics.

Of course, you also have to deal with draconian DRM and PC capability.

GTA IV is an average port. The game is pretty badly optimized, as stated before, GFWL and Rockstar Club are annoying, and the game has visual glitches and problems with several ATI cards. But other than that, it's fine.

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