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Hand Held Compass


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With so many mods like

Skyrim Enhanced Camera, a very small mod that makes body visable in 1st without any fuss and keeps vanilla 1st person animations in 1st, also allows forced 1st person for scenes with body visable


Information Overhaul


Immersive Hud


Between those you can remove all HUD elements and game is very playable due to new shaders for health, stam, and magic.


It just seems to me that a compass that is animated to come into view would be very possible now.

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Well i that case lets just say the whole planet is made up of magic.

Um....it -is- made up of magic; and, you know, the corpse of an Aedra...


well i understand it was created by the Aedra sacrificing themselves, but i'm not sure if it that means we can say the very ground is magic, but i see your point.

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