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Polish president plane crash


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I too, give Poland my dearest sympathies. It is the country of my blood, and all of my relatives mourn the loss.


I still feel that there is some sort of conspiracy behind this. It makes me wish this had stayed in the debates forum.

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I too, give Poland my dearest sympathies. It is the country of my blood, and all of my relatives mourn the loss.


I still feel that there is some sort of conspiracy behind this. It makes me wish this had stayed in the debates forum.


To be honest I wanted to mention that myself and that's why I posted it in the debates, hoping that mayby someone will bring it up. In a way it's better like this, mayby a debate would be to soon as it happened recently and people still need more time to figure out what realy happened.

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Now it looks like the Poland is going to blame Russia. They even said: ITS NOT RECOMMENDED TO LAND AT THAT AIRPORT. Well instead of flying to Moscow and get there by train they still went by air the whole way. Now they are trying to say that they should have not recommended but closed the airport on that day.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a tragic event indeed. My heart goes out to them, their families and the nation. I wonder why so many key people were on the same flight. Most US businesses won't allow their key staff to travel on the same planes in case of such an event.


A friend at work showed me a video of a bystander that had a video camera walk up to the crash. Without going into much detail, there were images of people apparently still alive and a group of people arrived with guns and started open firing. The guy with the tape fled the scene and was later found stabbed to death after uploading the video to the Internet. And supposedly, there was another version of that video later released that did not show anyone at the crash site and no guns being fired.


I did not take any of this too seriously since the video was very shaky and out of focus on most everything. I figured it was just an attempt to raise conspiracy theory flags all over the place. If anyone is interested, I will dig up the references...but again, I don't think they are real.



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It was a tragic event indeed. My heart goes out to them, their families and the nation. I wonder why so many key people were on the same flight. Most US businesses won't allow their key staff to travel on the same planes in case of such an event.


A friend at work showed me a video of a bystander that had a video camera walk up to the crash. Without going into much detail, there were images of people apparently still alive and a group of people arrived with guns and started open firing. The guy with the tape fled the scene and was later found stabbed to death after uploading the video to the Internet. And supposedly, there was another version of that video later released that did not show anyone at the crash site and no guns being fired.


I did not take any of this too seriously since the video was very shaky and out of focus on most everything. I figured it was just an attempt to raise conspiracy theory flags all over the place. If anyone is interested, I will dig up the references...but again, I don't think they are real.





Well, here's a video.

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