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Who is the best companion?


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I would say Amy Wong is the best companion mod, partly because she has so many services and effective help, partly because she is so beautiful, and partly because you can use her in many different ways. But is there a better companion that you have tried?


"Oh! You're back! I didn't think I'd ever see you again! I'm so glad I was wrong!" - Amy Wong



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I haven't used very many, but of the ones I've used, Fawkes turned out best. I thought his lack of sneak ability would cramp my playstyle, but it was just the opposite. Enemies tended to see and concentrate on him, leaving me free to sneak around and flank them. Only problem was he had a habit of killing them before I could. :teehee:
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My favorite Companion mod is >Groovy Followers<


It lets me get almost anyone as a companion like >SSC< but it's menu based so you don't need to talk to your companions


even as VATS shows how the shots did I can still control my companions since it's not dialog based


And since it's what I refer to as a general companion mod it's not tied down to any particular NPC, I'll say little Maggie of Megaton is my favorite Companion.


My Custom version of Maggie

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Tried cross once, within minutes of leaving the citadel she suicided into an enclave camp with a deathclaw. Had it quicksaved a moment before that happened, so I could play the scenario for six more times until I said *ban me* it and took her armor for myself.


Now I'm three games further and decided I'd make one with a permanent companion, chose Lucy West from the FOOK2 package because unlimited ammo on that laser rifle of hers is pretty nice, but the further I'm getting the more of a hassle it is to keep her alive. Pretty fun, actually, though they really could've done a better job on combat dialogue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another companion mod I like to use is Remote Control Companion. I've never worried of where they are anymore since using this. And I use it for Vanilla companions, as well as Sydney, Bittercup, Lucy West and Sara Lyons. You don't lose the individual choices of each mods menus when having them follow with RCC as well.




Also I use Angel the raider companion. She has hilarious comments in battle.

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Well my list of fav companions is limited by the Phalanx mod (no mod which chages a NPC into companion can actually be a used as a possible companion because of scripting, quests, dialogue, conditions and commands etc).


My fav companions would have to be Star Paladin Cross, Butch, Clover and Dogmeat...



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  • 1 month later...

I've only used two companions (finished main quest and half way through Broken Steel). Fawkes and Dog Meat have both accompanied me on my journey's, but, like anything in life, they both had their 'pluses' and 'minuses.'


Dog Meat


Warned you that enemies are near, could get stuff, attacked stuff, mildly entertaining when he'd bark, growl, etc.


Sucked up Stimps like they were going out of style, occasional path finding annoyances (one time he got lost so i used the counsel to make him appear next to me. It created a second dog so I had two dog meats running around), can't carry anything




Laser gatling with unlimited ammo, can carry A TON of stuff for you, very high HPs, Zen-like philosophy on life which he readily shares whether you want him to or not


Kills the crap out of everything with that laser gatling with unlimited ammo before you get the chance to (its nice for Albino Radscorpions though), blocks doorways, a couple of times he freaked out and killed everyone else in the room (the Super Jet ghoul and his buddy and the entire Nation of Dave) which was amusing so this might actually be a plus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best companion ... not really sure what your criteria is ... but for combat - Fawkes for certain.


I have played the game on every level ... and he's a tank. The gating laser he carries has better soecs than any version you can aquire in the game,has unlimited ammo etc.


If you play in sneak mode ... you have to a little distance from him cause he attracks a lot of fire.


Every other vanilla companion gets killed off pretty quickly unless you play at low levels and can "save" the character from overwhelming odds.

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