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Israel, and Gaza.


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Goddammit, Everyone is taking sides again.


What interest do we have in a conflict between two groups of stupid people gnawing at each others necks.(also take into account that Israel is comparable to a Polar bear, and Palestine is like, a Squirrel) Why the fu*k do you think there even is a Good guy in this dumb war? How stupid one must be to support politicians' claims? Why, just why are we embarking in an elementary grade pissing contest over who is the Good Guy?


Killing Innocent (Definition: Hasn't done a thing to you. i.e is dreaming about a dollhouse, before you murder them.) People is wrong No Matter Who the F*ck you are. Period. (Three dots) and That is the Only thing we can Base our morals on. Not who started this clusterf**k. (FYI, the WW1 winning side and mostly the British Did, 100 years ago.)


has your media Spoon fed you pictures of dead children yet? like when there was one Palestinian Guy clutching his dead baby sister, thinking that if at that moment there is a God, and the Tighter he holds her and clutches her lifeless corpse, Maybe that will bring her back? just Maybe, this time it would be different. But no, God promised the Jews a patch of dirt and fertilized sh*t, and that same God, he also promised the Muslims 72 virgins + endless rivers of Wine + a Sexy Heaven to Live in if they Jihad against the Oppressors (and Die, some Muslims take martyrdom the highest level of Fidelity to God, that's why we have Suicide bombers, even though technically suicide will send you straight to hell, this makes no sense). This God cannot take a moment to like, send more prophets or something to tell his subjects "People, stop Killing each other over dirt. what the Fu*k is wrong with you? I made curves and Boobs and pot and bourbon and beer, you kill each other over an arid, ugly un-sexy peace of land?"

that image Might have caused some tears in the eyes of benevolent westerner, before they could like figuratively, scream, death to Muslims. (Remember, even though there are 1000 different sects, dialects and schools of thought in the Muslim world, all Muslims are terrorists. except in the Commonwealth of Nations and mostly Canada, we are awesome)


Hamas are not terrorists (when you are Arab, Iran or Russia) and Israel is not a freaking demon. It's the motherf**king media (social media too, because everyone likes more likes) that is crawling everywhere bombarding people into being Politically correct. the New age of Tyranny where people are too stupid to think for themselves, but smart enough to choose a side and intellectually demonize the sh*t out of the other side, even though most people claim they are smart enough to not believe in superstition, demons, angels and whatever. (remember, you have to take a side, wuss)


It's in the nature of the unthinking man (To be politically correct, insert Human being instead) to subconsciously think that thinking for oneself is wrong and you must be spoon fed which side you should take, and the good side obviously, even though your fundamental nature cannot comply with the rules. (like back in Year 0 when they killed Jesus H. and then later people got all "oh no what have we done" not because they believed or anything. Because some Cat wrote a book and some guy with a lot of power said "hey people, you are either with me or crucified." and People went "We have been believers before being born homie, what do you think we are? Infidels?")


Still, the Strong (read Rich) do what they Want and the weak (read Unfortunate) suffer what they Must. it's as ancient as Leonidas' balls. but the Stupid people think there is a good side and a bad side (they started IT! like when Satan said to God "Ki** my ass." and God banished his smoted ass.) all the while the smart people benefit from the idiots. I feel like back in the 60-70s people were smarter or something. you Just look at the popular icons from then, They had John Lennon and Martin Luther King. we have Justin Weiner and Kim Kardashian. Evolution proved wrong people. (Take that, Evolutionists!)


and Obama, is the first US president, who is not an Assh*le.

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The only way to end this violence is to have a far more reaching dilemma come upon both of these groups. I wonder if Isis were to move unobstructed towards their are of the planet, would they be so interested in killing each other? What if the world would stop treating with either group and place a total embargo of both parties? Maybe we should take the leadership of both parties and the countries that support them and place these groups in a locked tank and given 24 hours to work something out or die of asphyxiation.


The reason that this is going on is that they have room to let it and the cannon fodder to through into the meat grinder. Take that away and you'll get results that don't require other countries to throw money into this septic tank.

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and Obama, is the first US president, who is not an Assh*le.

I am so relieved that our Northern brethren like our fearless leader....*snicker* ..is it the transitory mobile Red Lines that he draws? Too bad his Foreign Policy has been an unmitigated disaster and his economic policies a shamble. Obama is on the fast track for the most ineffective / weakest President in US history, his ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is impressive. We have come from the defeat of the Soviet Union (Reagan) to being the laughing stock of the international diplomatic community ....well done Obama. If Obama was a Canadian PM you would need a passport to visit Quebec by now.

Oh November 4th you cannot come fast enough.

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and Obama, is the first US president, who is not an Assh*le.

I am so relieved that our Northern brethren like our fearless leader....*snicker* ..is it the transitory mobile Red Lines that he draws? Too bad his Foreign Policy has been an unmitigated disaster and his economic policies a shamble. Obama is on the fast track for the most ineffective / weakest President in US history, his ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is impressive. We have come from the defeat of the Soviet Union (Reagan) to being the laughing stock of the international diplomatic community ....well done Obama. If Obama was a Canadian PM you would need a passport to visit Quebec by now.

Oh November 4th you cannot come fast enough.



Laughing stock? we Have Rob Ford. 'Nuff Said. Harper is an idiot too, but won't come close.


But really, It's because I am not a US citizen. If I were one, I could have had the same views as you do.

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Too bad his Foreign Policy has been an unmitigated disaster

What foreign policy? If he actually has one, I like to know just a few of the details......the aspects, what he trying to accomplish? Does he have a vision? Personally, I think he does...a thought that terrifies me. He wants to reduce US influence to the point of a glorified bystander. The man is simply not qualified for the position he ha been elected to undertake. elitist idealouges never make good presidents.




Still, the Strong (read Rich) do what they Want and the weak (read Unfortunate) suffer what they Must.

Oh so typical....Those who have it rough are shat upon, those who worked their tails off to better things for themselves are the dumpers. I live paycheck to paycheck and I'll damned if i'm going to blame all of my shortcoming (at least financially) on "that rich guy". Utterly lame


I feel like back in the 60-70s people were smarter or something. you Just look at the popular icons from then, They had John Lennon and Martin Luther King.



It also brought us Obama, Pelosi, Holder, Reid, McConnell, ect. Howabout Jerry Reubin, howabout Charles Manson? EH? Anybody who lets "icons/celebrities" influence them without proper delving into said celebrity angle is a moron who deserves what he/she gets. I agree that bonifide heros like MLK where a huge and good eye opener, but, today you have race baiters/perpetuaters like like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder slamming those eyes shut to actual justice again.

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and Obama, is the first US president, who is not an Assh*le.

I am so relieved that our Northern brethren like our fearless leader....*snicker* ..is it the transitory mobile Red Lines that he draws? Too bad his Foreign Policy has been an unmitigated disaster and his economic policies a shamble. Obama is on the fast track for the most ineffective / weakest President in US history, his ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is impressive. We have come from the defeat of the Soviet Union (Reagan) to being the laughing stock of the international diplomatic community ....well done Obama. If Obama was a Canadian PM you would need a passport to visit Quebec by now.

Oh November 4th you cannot come fast enough.



One question. How do you define failure. If President Obama set out to remove America's leadership from the world stage, wouldn't that mean he only failed at pleasing those who have a different world view.


From what I've seen he has consistently operated with the goal of retreating America from the role we have become quite comfortable in and the rest of the world equally as comfortable to have us play.


Ask yourself how the world would be if America were not there to step in and enforce it's own version of reality? Would the world be as it is today or would it have found it's own equilibrium and have made peace with itself, as much as it could possibly could, but still not have the angst it has pent up by the actions of a superpower bribing other governments to follow it's will?


The world is a brutal place and brutes have been apart of human history from the dawn of time. They have reared their ugly head throughout history, systematically ravishing the area they occupied and just as suddenly vanished off the face of the world leaving only their memory in history. There was no central force guiding the world at that time and I really don't think the world actually needs one.


America has simply buried what should have occurred in a flood of it's own influence and we are seeing today the world violently correcting itself to the degree it would have casually evolved over time if America had left it alone. What I think is happening is that the world has gotten so use to the promise of Americas protection that they've placed too much emphasis on social programs and not enough on defense as we have done the exact opposite. Ask yourself, would Europe be in the clutches of Russian oil and gas, if they would have to deal with Putin without the US? I think not. They would have diversified their supply so they could have dealt with him, without endangering themselves.


To many in America count their prestige by how influential we are in the world and we are seeing the effects in our own country. We are spending way too much time running around the world being it's nanny and then demonizing those who concentrate social programs by calling it a nanny state. What is the bigger nanny. The worlds nanny or Americas nanny?

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Too bad his Foreign Policy has been an unmitigated disaster

What foreign policy? If he actually has one, I like to know just a few of the details......the aspects, what he trying to accomplish? Does he have a vision? Personally, I think he does...a thought that terrifies me. He wants to reduce US influence to the point of a glorified bystander. The man is simply not qualified for the position he ha been elected to undertake. elitist idealouges never make good presidents.




Still, the Strong (read Rich) do what they Want and the weak (read Unfortunate) suffer what they Must.

Oh so typical....Those who have it rough are shat upon, those who worked their tails off to better things for themselves are the dumpers. I live paycheck to paycheck and I'll damned if i'm going to blame all of my shortcoming (at least financially) on "that rich guy". Utterly lame


I feel like back in the 60-70s people were smarter or something. you Just look at the popular icons from then, They had John Lennon and Martin Luther King.



It also brought us Obama, Pelosi, Holder, Reid, McConnell, ect. Howabout Jerry Reubin, howabout Charles Manson? EH? Anybody who lets "icons/celebrities" influence them without proper delving into said celebrity angle is a moron who deserves what he/she gets. I agree that bonifide heros like MLK where a huge and good eye opener, but, today you have race baiters/perpetuaters like like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder slamming those eyes shut to actual justice again.




It's imagery, man. Icons have been apart of human history, probably from the dawn of time. Good or bad men living more by their fame or infamy far after they've lost their actual relevancy. It's not what they do or not do, It's what's attributed to them by the most people.

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Oh November 4th you cannot come fast enough.

Amen to that....Only thing is, Obama is not Clinton or Bush...I'm not sure that he will make that sort of effort to 'get along' with a congress that is aligned against him. He is a divider instead of a uniter, An ideologue instead of a realist, A man whose self righteousness and ego may utterly destroy any sort of dialogue that could develop out of a split...


hope I'm wrong....

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Oh November 4th you cannot come fast enough.

Amen to that....Only thing is, Obama is not Clinton or Bush...I'm not sure that he will make that sort of effort to 'get along' with a congress that is aligned against him. He is a divider instead of a uniter, An ideologue instead of a realist, A man whose self righteousness and ego may utterly destroy any sort of dialogue that could develop out of a split...


hope I'm wrong....




To an Ideologue, Ideology is real and it's inconceivable that anything done in that name can be wrong. That's what is so dangerous about these people. They see where they are and where they want to go and anything destroyed inbetween is justified be the result and if the result doesn't accomplish what they set out to do, it is someone else fault, since, as I've said before. it is inconceivable that anything done in that name can be wrong.


President Obama has not pleased anyone, fully. Not the left or the right. But as I remember Ronald Regan didn't fully please anyone ether. History has placed President Reagan in the light it has to those to whom he matters. The left and the right have their own opinion of the man and it will be the same with President Obama. The facts will be lost in a cloud of data and statistics that each side will us to justify their opinion of the man and the one fact that will never be fully realized is that President Reagan didn't destroy America, jus the desires of the left and President Obama will not destroy America, but the desires of the right.


This too will pass!

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Ask yourself how the world would be if America were not there to step in and enforce it's own version of reality?



I wouldn't call it a version of reality, but, I often wonder just what this globe would resemble if we isolated ourselves......Don't like what I imagined. The fact is that all of us in the "free world" have to stand together if we want to keep our freedom.



Ask yourself, would Europe be in the clutches of Russian oil and gas, if they would have to deal with Putin without the US? I think not. They would have diversified their supply so they could have dealt with him, without endangering themselves.

Actually, If it weren't for the huge "green" lobby in America we could sell oil much cheaper to Europe that Russia is asking. Unfortunately , the said lobby is playing scientific politics (the worst kind) and not reporting the skeptic findings, and continue to use an unsubstantiated hypothesis as reason to heap a guilt trip on us all, and to push alternative energy sources that are not ready for prime time on us....The climate debate ain't science, it's politics. Putin knows that and probably bellows a huge laugh every time he downs a shot of 'wodka".

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