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Israel, and Gaza.


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Well the cease fire wasn't broken and the 72 hours went without a single attack. But just a few short minutes after the 72 hours were up rockets were being fire from Gaza. Hamas saying that because their demands weren't met, they'll continue the attacks until they are.

So the fighting is back on. So hopefully now people will realize that these guys don't want peace, instead of getting innocent people out of harms way, Hamas was re-arming and encouraging people to join in the fighting. They claim they can win the fight against Israel, and it'll be fun to see their reaction when they find that they have been completely wiped out.

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Even our rabidly anti Israeli left wing press are struggling to keep the blame on Israel now, they're still trying though. Israel should now occupy Gaza and not leave again until Hamas are wiped out.

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The situation between Israel, and Hamas, is not as straight forward as many seem to assume it is. There are no simple, reliable, effective solutions to long terms complicated problems like this one.

Even if Israel were to launch a full scale invasion of Gaza, the horrible cost of such an action, including in Israeli soldiers, would send shock waves through out the world. The world situation would shift and, in what direction, is hard to predict.

I do not trust any extreme group, such as Hamas, but how does on get rid of them with out killing too many of those around them? One could support another Palestinian faction but, even if it was better than Hamas, that might just lead to a bloody civil war that would still threaten Israeli security.

If mass invasion of Gaza was such a good idea, why hasn't Israel done it already? Perhaps because they tried such ideas before and got a bloody nose for their efforts. For example see past Israeli efforts in Lebanon.

Making Obama into some kind of scapegoat is not fair because nobody else seems to have done any better and remember what a government does, and says, in public is often different from what they do in private. There is a chance that the USA approached Egypt secretly to carry out mediation, not being able to do so openly because of recent events in Egypt and an the official cooling of relations between them.


Dig beneath the world stage, of politics and power and diplomacy, and you find a whole different reality.


If I had godly powers I would reshape the world and send the Israelis and Palastinians a very long distance from each other. I would also do the same with other peoples. Perhaps would have to be a need for a very very big world (with its mass adjusted to keep Earth standard gravity) or more than one world.

Edited by Maharg67
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There is no solution at all. And proposed fix, brings on problems of its own. What it boils down to is: which set of problems are you willing to put up with? The current situation is intolerable, but, referring to my first sentence, what are you going to do? Israel, is, at present, just dealing with symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease, short of wiping out EVERYONE in Gaza. And that really isn't a solution either.

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There are calls from within Netanyahu's cabinet for it and the former head of Shabak has also called for Gaza to be reoccupied, it'll be messy on the ground and politically but it's the only way to deal with Hamas, get rid of them and Israel can leave again. As for Obama, someone did do a lot better, the Egyptians, they made headway while Obama had Kerry sucking up to his Brotherhood pals.

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There are calls from within Netanyahu's cabinet for it and the former head of Shabak has also called for Gaza to be reoccupied, it'll be messy on the ground and politically but it's the only way to deal with Hamas, get rid of them and Israel can leave again. As for Obama, someone did do a lot better, the Egyptians, they made headway while Obama had Kerry sucking up to his Brotherhood pals.

Even if the world accepts the invasion, and full reoccupation, what happens after Israel leaves? Poverty, desperation, ignorance and fanaticism are driving forces in Gaza. I doubt that Israel has the ability, or even will power, to fix up the profound problems of Gaza and its people. As for Obama, he is just one man even if he is the US President and making him a scapegoat will do nothing because it is going to take the positive efforts of many to solve this deep, very long term problem. Any kind of scapegoating leads away from a possible solution whether it be from any political perspective; I used to be a narrow focused left winger but I left that behind and am not about to take up any other kind of such thinking. Positivity is needed and so is hope!

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edit: Sorry I meant to come back to this. I just thought I would like that...not so much for the actual content as the fact the Egyptians seem to be having difficulties brokering a deal too.


Please carry on and ignore the puppy behind the cutain!

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Even our rabidly anti Israeli left wing press are struggling to keep the blame on Israel now, they're still trying though. Israel should now occupy Gaza and not leave again until Hamas are wiped out.


Just so you know, Hamas doesn't Exclusively operate in Gaza,

Since most opinions on religious/political cockfights are biased, I decided to turn to Wikipedia for a more honest answer:


The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 stated in 2007:

"Israel remains an occupying Power in respect of Gaza. Arguments that Israel ceased its occupation of Gaza in 2005 following the evacuation of its settlements and the withdrawal of its troops take no account of the fact that Israel retains effective control over Gaza by means of its control over Gaza’s external borders, airspace, territorial waters, population registry, tax revenues and governmental functions. The effectiveness of this control is emphasized by regular military incursions and rocket attacks."


So yeah, It's retarded to Occupy a place you already kinda more-than Occupy. So far All I have read from posters seems to be spiced by Propaganda and the Media, Otherwise we wouldn't have seen so many opinions shifting to two Opposite Partialities. A Sum of the ongoing situation in Gaza could be: "Let's Bomb the ass off non-combatant people who we won't allow to leave because our enemies are using them as human shields and hiding their guns in their shorts." (For the western sympathetic: there are Women and Children dying too, non-terrorist ones, because remember, you should always kill allegedly terrorist women and children).


Now most people are either going to buy that, or say that you have to be a F**king idiot to believe that BS makes it right. I'd say it's not a well thought statement. Israel could have avoided all the demonization by implying that they are in a state of war, because sh*t happens during war. When you pretend to act like a Good-guy (all democratic and western and Equal-rightsy), People expect you to be a Good-guy, and Good-guys doesn't shoot hostages in the head and let a bus filled with hostages Blow the F up (AKA Speed, Because that movie was freaking awesome) because it's going to make him look like a moron. Israel is not a Bad-guy, certainly not a Good-guy Either. But if I were an Israeli representative, I Would choose my alleged reasons more wisely.


History of Divide and Conquer for Dummies:


In World War I, the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany. As a result, it was embroiled in a conflict with Great Britain. Under the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, it was envisioned that most of Palestine, when freed from Ottoman control, would become an international zone not under direct French or British colonial control. Shortly thereafter, British foreign minister Arthur Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised to establish a "Jewish national home" in Palestine. but appeared to contradict the 1915–16 Hussein-McMahon Correspondence, which contained an undertaking to form an Arab state in exchange for the Great Arab Revolt.McMahon's promises could have been seen by Arab nationalists as a pledge of immediate Arab independence, an undertaking violated by the region's subsequent partition into British and French League of Nations mandates under the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 1916, which became the real cornerstone of the geopolitics structuring the entire region. The Balfour Declaration, likewise, was seen by Jewish nationalists as the cornerstone of a future Jewish homeland.



A Moron would think that there's a war between good and evil here. I'd say the whole Situation is the result of Arabs not getting what they hoped for (AKA Being F***ed over) and the Europeans wanting to get rid of Jews and prevent a substantial Arab/Turk/Middle-eastern Power from originating in the mid-east, for like, Forever, by keeping these two (the Arabs and the Jews) constantly fighting each other over promised land. The fact that most parts of what goes where remains ambiguous and the other fact that the Brits "preventing Holocaust survivors from reaching Palestine, sending them instead to Cyprus internment camps, or even back to Germany, as in the case of Exodus 1947", proves there "was" no favoring of any side. Just Europe's super powers being Britain.


People behaving as if Israel is the last bastion of democracy on the mid-east astound me. You would think at this day and age where people have a whole world of info in their pockets and 30% of the people you meet claim to be atheists or logical thinkers there would be less blind favoritism of Ideals that don't exist in action, Less bigots whining about. people shouting about rights and Gay-Marriage but nobody shouting for the right to live or leave. I am personally disgusted by the HUGELY Hypocritical modern society of today. Remember All Jews are good, Fellow elite humans of democratic nations, if you say otherwise, you are an anti Semite a**hole, you endorse The Holocaust (Not to be confused with the other 26 recorded Mass Genocides in History). Go kill yourself.


Politics are crawling into every aspect of our life, but F**k it. Muslims must die because they're all terrorists, Muslim children should die because they are future terrorists, Muslim women should die because they have Hijab, Christians should die because they are stupid, Jews should die because they have money, Gays should die because they are Gay, Atheists should die because they have no God.

What? you are saying there are people who are not Muslim, Christian, Jew, Gay or Atheist? what do you expect me to know? I watch FOX, CNN and read Dailymail. I Have no thought for myself. I just want to be popular and get viewers up my posts.

Edited by Ihoe
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@ Ihoe


Interesting perspective and some good strong historical backup.


All the s******* was not necessary.


You got me thinking and agreeing with the general gist of what you posted, if not every detail.

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