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Join Empire or Stormcloaks? My Thoughts


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I never could get the insult behind "milk-drinker!" I grew up in Wisconsin, "America's Dairyland". I'm 63 and I still very much like milk. I feel about as insulted by "milk-drinker!" as I would be by "air-breather!"


There are actually fermented milk drinks... they aren't very strong, but they exist :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis

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Pretty much covers it:



An insult / derogative term deriving from the video game Skyrim, often used by City Guards to suggest a person is weak and / or young / inexperienced.

Possible explanations:
Young babies drink milk from their mother's breasts.
and / or
Those who can't handle mead or ale instead drink milk.
and / or
Milk in Skyrim will restore a Warrior's resource for hard-hitting sword swings. Those who require Milk for this purpose would likely be lower-level, and inexperienced.
Don't be such a milk drinker.
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An interesting contrast between FO2 and FO3 vis a vis the Brotherhood of Steel. In FO3 the Brotherhood carries on like they weren't supposed to allow outsiders to join. It was the bone of contention between the Outcasts (BoS hardcore) and the local chapter led by Lyons, who had decided to go against policy by inducting outsiders as Initiates. However, if I recall correctly, in FO2 in one of the towns (the Hub?) there was a BoS recruiting office.


It was more than that in Fo3. Lyons chapter was also open and working with the locals as a force for rebuilding society, whereas the main chapter's mandate was to horde all tech to protect society from technology. Lyons approach was a lot more sustainable and practical.

Which I thought was rather ironic. The BoS traditionalists became the Outcasts while the "official" local chapter under Lyons had, in fact, gone rogue. Instead of the traditionalists being labeled Outcasts, it should have been Lyons and his followers being labeled Renegades.



Just as a last post and to conclude the off-topicn-ness, The way things were going by the end of FO3/FNV, it's very likely Lyons' "rogue" chapter will have become the only one by FO4 due to the "Hardcore" BoS going the way of the Dodo.

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Only completed the Civil War once, and as an Imperial. But I sympathized with the Stormcloaks and Ulfric's last words really got to me. Lately I don't start the Civil War at all, preferring to keep their blacksmith merchants around. And beds while traveling.
A few thoughts:
1. Stormcloak Racism. I can interpret "Skyrim for Nords only" as meaning for those who only accept Nordic culture and ways, regardless of actual race. Don't dilute the Nordic culture with mass immigration, with the immigrants having no intention to really assimilate. Sound familiar? The USA may be the land of the free and home of the brave, but in Europe they can refer to their motherland and fatherland. IMO that has a right to be preserved, and so does Nordic Skyrim (in culture.) Even in Europe migrations and historical invasions have left much racial intermingling, so there is hardly racial purity. But there is a culture. Same with Nordic Skyrim. If one does not like that, then they can go back where they came from.
Anyway, I think that the statement "a true Nord" really refers to accepting Nordic culture. This would be confirmed by the Elves on their way to join the Stormcloaks, saying that Ulfric has the right of it. Nordic culture for Skyrim.
2. Imperials. They appear to be the most professional, military force. And the only force with a true uniform. No females in the rank and file (although a female or two as legates.) They are also, on the whole, more respectful when speaking to my character than the Stormcloaks.
I tried playing as a Stormcloak once. Enjoyed attacking an Imperial camp somewhere in the snow country on my horse: was like a cavalry attack. Wiped out the entire camp except for the legate, who wouldn't die. I guess too important. Strange thing: in that battle and others I felt bad fighting Imperials, who were once my brothers. Kind of felt like a traitor. I guess that's immersive role playing. Eventually quit that play for another (I start new a lot.)
In the end, I suppose that both sides have their points. But I should read more on this in-game.
My Stuff:
Cracked Tusk Keep Tweaked: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71322
Ruined Whiterun Farmhouse Tweaked: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68392
SPH1's Rorikstead Farm House: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68880
SPH1's Saxon Norman Rorikstead Fort: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71690
Mounted Horse Combat: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tmdH_zdDm8&feature=youtu.be

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2. Imperials. They appear to be the most professional, military force. And the only force with a true uniform. No females in the rank and file (although a female or two as legates.)

However, there are a couple of side interactions that illustrate that the Legion DOES include women in its rank and file. In Solitude, there is a sidequest where you go and inquire of the Captain of the garrison what became of the Alchemist's daughter that had joined the Legion. (She was killed fighting Stormcloaks near Whiterun.) Then in conversation with Ghorza the blacksmith in Markarth, she mentions that she had served in the Legion.

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Thanks, I now recall those female references. I was going on the fact I have not yet seen any female rank and file Legionnaires.


And Ghorza was probably a Legion blacksmith? In any event, there "currently" does not appear to be any female rank and file troops.

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As racist as the Stormcloaks (and the Empire) are, I'd rather side with the people who didn't try to chop my head off and murder me. It just ain't easy out there for a High Elf, ya know.

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...It just ain't easy out there for a High Elf, ya know.


"Try living with an Azura-damned volcano going off under your ass..." -Any Dunmer.


But on a serious note, I too chose to escape with Ralof as I took the whole "Off with his head" thing kinda personal... Eventually got over it though.

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Thanks, I now recall those female references. I was going on the fact I have not yet seen any female rank and file Legionnaires.


And Ghorza was probably a Legion blacksmith? In any event, there "currently" does not appear to be any female rank and file troops.


It's an omissive oversight. There are voice files for the generic FemaleNord voice set (Danica Pure Spring voice) for legionnaires... mostly. There are a few holes in specific quests, and mainly with garrisons


I populate the Legion ranks with women in a mod I made, both regular soldiery and town guards both originally pro-Imperial and in re-unified town garrisons. The voice type fits... less well with the non-Nord legionnaires, alas... I also put in a few dark/wood elves into the LVLN lists (just male though).





...It just ain't easy out there for a High Elf, ya know.


"Try living with an Azura-damned volcano going off under your ass..." -Any Dunmer.


But on a serious note, I too chose to escape with Ralof as I took the whole "Off with his head" thing kinda personal... Eventually got over it though.



Just love how those 'Croaks tried to disavow and distance you from them so you didn't lose your head for being one of them, huh? Oh wait, they didn't.


Lokir: "No! Wait! We're not rebels!"

Ralof: "Face your death with some courage, horse-thief."

Lokir: "You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"


Neither side is blameless in the PlayerChar almost losing their head.

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